Chapter 3

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It was 7 am when Harry woke up that morning thanks to the alarm he set on his phone. The boy sighed and sat up rubbing his eyes a little before getting up from the mattress on the ground. He didn't even bother to make his "bed" and hopped into the kitchen. After eating a small breakfast he walked into the small bathroom and undressed as he go tinto the shower. After that he brushed his teeth, did his hair and put on clean clothing.

Walking into the livingroom/bedroom he put his books into his bag along with the lunch he made in the kitchen yesterday as he grabbed his keys and left the apartment.

Harry always walked to school despite the weather. He didn't really mind, especially not in the summer. It was a 15 minutes walk and it gave him time to wake up a little bit. Reaching the school he sighed softly. He really wasn't up for it today. He was tired and well, he had math class the second hour and he had a bad feeling about the grade he'd be given for the last test he made.

Harry wasn't someone who liked having a B when he could get an A. He always studied hard to try and accomplish the best results, yet last maths test his head just wasn't in the game. He walked over to his locker and put some stuff away that he wouldn't need until later while wondering how the hell he was going to get through this day.

Nothing special or positive happened that day at school and his math grade wasn't exactly good news either. Feeling rather irritated and annoyed he walked himself home only to sit down behind his desk and turn on his laptop. He got to the website he made an account on yesterday only to find out he received five messages.

He looked at them curiously, began with the ones he received first. He'd read the message and then look at the profile of the user who send it. The first one was a guy named John. He was 40 and well, his message made Harry feel uneasy. He described everything he liked when it came to sex, how it wasn't a problem that Harry had no experience and everything he'd wanna do to him.

"Out of option.." Harry mumbled to himself as he moved onto the next one. The second and third were both men in their 60's. Harry didn't delete the e-mails, but didn't answer them either and took a look at the fourth one. This guy was in his 30's and seemed rather nice yet he lived quite far away, so he also left that one unanswered. Moving onto the last one he found himself reading an e-mail from a guy who went by the letter L. only or well, at least on here.

Harry opened the message and started reading. It was the first message that didn't make him feel pressured in any way, plus he found out that the L stood for Louis. Moving onto the guys profile he saw a couple of pictures and was rather happy with the fact the guy wasn't 60 and actually looked good.

Harry decided to message him back straight away. It took him a good half hour since he was kinda unsure what to write, but after deleting and adding a couple of things he ended up with a rather short message that seemed just fine.

"Hi Louis,

I am interested (: You're honestly the first person that didn't creep me out with their message.. Is it okay if we chat for a bit? I'm kinda new to all this.

- Harry."

After sending the mail Harry decided to make himself some dinner as he spend some time studying after that only to find out Louis had already messaged him back and was online.

"Hello Harry,

Of course we can chat for a bit. Anything to get you comfortable. I suggest you don't respond to the people making you uncomfortable, not everyone on here can be trusted. After all it's the internet!

I shall start telling you something about myself and what kind of person I'm looking for. I'm 24 as you've probably read on my profile. I own my own company and kinda get to decide how much I work myself, considering I can tell people or hire them to do work for me. However, I try to do most things myself since I enjoy my job. I often work at home too. I have younger sisters who live with my aunt 3 hours away from Doncaster where I live. Apart from Doncaster there's another part of my company established in New York. I have a home there too. When it comes to me as a person people say I have a good sense of humor. I like being active and travelling yet am quite serious when it comes to work.  I'm looking for someone who would like to move in with me. Of course I understand that people have their own life too such as school, college or work. We can always find a solution for that if it were to be the case. When it comes to sex I want you to know that it's not a first priority. I saw you're inexperienced and I'm not going to pressure you into doing anything you're not comfortable with. I simply wanted you to know that. Also, I expect my sugar baby not to have any kind of sexual relationship with anyone but me.  I don't like it when people lie to me either. That's it, basically.

Tell me something about yourself Harry, those curls got me all curious (;



Harry smiled a little. Louis really did try to make him feel comfortable and that immediately felt safe. He clicked on "reply" and messaged the guy back.

"Hiiiii Lewisssssss,

Being the owner of a company when you're only 24? You did a good job there! O: I'm in my last year of high school. My finals start in a month and I'm really nervous :c I live in Chesire and I was born here too. Me and my family are trying to save for college, but it's kinda hard. I'm not really sure what I'd want to do either. I also work in a bakery! :'D New York sounds really cool by the way, I've always wanted to go there.

If we were to go through with this eventually I'd be fine with moving in with you. You actually seem like a really fun person.

X Harry."

Harry smiled a little as he send the e-mail. He knew he lied about his family. Things had.. happened in the past, but he didn't want Louis to know anything about that. The boy couldn't even thinking about it without growing extremely anxious, not to mention speak about it with someone he barely knew.  Maybe he wouldn't even speak about it if he were to get really close with someone.

10 minutes later he received an e-mail back.

A/N: Tum, tum, tum, tummmm, what happened to Harry?!

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