Chapter 7

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Harry spend the first couple of days in the house alone. Or well, together with Edward and the cleaners that didn't pay too much attention to him. He mainly spend time in Louis' library reading books here and his electronica had finally arrived so he had taken care of that as well.

He decided to start a blog since he'd always wanted to do that but his old computer had never been able to handle such a thing. The thing took 15 minutes to start up in the first place. But it did help him find Louis, so he was grateful for that. He also found out that Louis had a ton of games that he'd heard people on school talk about. He'd always wanted to play them but never got the chance, however, he had now.

He spend the day setting up a facebook, twitter and instagram account as he read some books and played some games only until he heard that Louis had gotten home from work. He then got out of his bedroom and hurried downstairs. Louis instantly smiled seeing him and Harry did exactly the same. "Hi." He said, smiling weakly. Louis walked over to him after greeting him back and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. Harry tensed. He was getting used to Louis getting a little bit closer to him and luckily the guy gave him his time. He really was lucky with Louis.

"How was your day?" Louis asked him, before Harry could; He'd had had the same question in mind. "Just normal. Read some books, made some social media. Oh and I'm working on a blog." He said happily. "Yours?" "Boring meetings. All day long." He sighed. "And throughout all of them I couldn't wait to come home and cuddle you." He chuckled. Harry couldn't help it but blush and feel his stomach flutter. He knew it wasn't supposed to happen. This was just.. a sugar daddy/sugar baby relationship. Nothing serious was going to happen, but he still couldn't help it.

"Well, then why don't we go and have dinner and then cuddle on the couch while watching a movie?" He chuckled. He could see Louis was tired. "Or I can run you a bath." Harry shrugged. "You're too sweet." Louis chuckled, pressing another kiss to his cheeck as he walked with Harry to the dining room where dinner was already getting served. "They talked about the most random things as eventually prom became a subject." "We should go shopping for a nice suit. Have you already asked someone out to go with?" Louis asked as he put a piece of chicken in his mouth. "I decided that I'm not going.." Harry mumbled after he swallowed his food. He didn't wanna go there as a loner and he couldn't think of anyone he could take. "Why not?" Louis asked him frowning. "I never really made friends at school? I was kinda like.. the outsider. I wouldn't have anyone to go with and if I'm there there's no one to talk to, so why go? It wouldn't make sense. It'll probably only make me feel bad, see everyone have fun togeher while I'm one again on my own." "Why did you never make friends then? I mean, you're a pretty nice guy. There should at least have been one person." Louis said, clearly not liking seeing Harry upset. "There was a guy in my freshman year, but he moved away back to Ireland. We lost touch." He said. His name had been Niall and up until now he was the funniest person Harry had ever met eventhough Louis was getting close to taking that title from him. Not that that mattered, he'd never see Niall again in the first place.

"I see." Louis sighed. "Well, in that case we'll just do something fun that night I guess." "It's on a friday night, you'll have to work and you'll be tired afterwards, it doesn't matter Louis." Was this always part of the sugar daddy thing? Louis kinda seemed like he would be able to do anything to make him happy, yet Harry had thought it was most likely about the money and presents.

"We will see." Louis chuckled, taking another bite.


As two weeks passed Louis' place finally started to feel like home. It was still weird, how he went from a small apartment with barely anything in it to this huge mansion. Also, he didn't have to worry about money anymore. He didn't have to make long days with school and working at the bakery just to make sure he'd have a future. Louis was his future now. It was kinda scary in a way. What if he didn't satisfy Louis anymore? What would happen to him then? 

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