Chapter 6

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A/N: Check out the trailer!

Harry somehow felt like the happiest guy in the world the days after he met Louis for real. It hadn't been an actual date, but it had been something. Also, Louis would be his sugar daddy which meant that he could eventually get into college. He'd no longer have to live in this horrible apartment and he'd get to live with someone who was such nice of nature.

A week had passed since they went to the amusement park and they both knew what they wanted. Since his exams where about 2 and a half weeks away Louis decided that Harry could move in right after that. Harry was just fine with that; he actually was really looking forward to it. 

At the morning of his last exam Harry received a text from Louis. "I'm picking you up from school love xx" Harry smiled at that. Louis had already send someone to take his stuff over to his house (as Harry had contacted the guy with a lie to give him a different address), so his stuff was already at Louis' place since two days ago. It wasn't much after all. Louis hadn't mentioned it however. "Okay, can't wait xx" Harry send back taking a last look in the mirror while taking a deep breathe. He was quite nervous for the last exam since he wasn't that good at maths. However, he had studied hard and had quite some motivation. According to Louis he'd do just fine so he decided to just believe him.

It was around 1 pm when he was done. After taking the last things from his locker Harry took one last look through the hallways. Of course there would still be prom but he didn't think he'd go. He barely had friends to spend prom with for one thing. He would go to the graduation however, probably on his own but he couldn't exactly not go or he'd have to call in sick. He wasn't sure yet. It was supposed to be something you shouldn't want to miss out on, but something told Harry that it would make him feel miserable going all alone. With the thought in mind that maybe, just maybe, it was the last time he'd be there he emptied his locker and walked outside to see Louis in an expensive car that didn't go unnoticed.

The guy spotted Harry and got out, wearing a grey suit and expensive sunglasses. He walked over to Harry and hugged him. "Hey love." He said, chuckling weakly as he released him. "How did your exam go?" "Okay I'm guess.. I'm scared I fucked up.." He sighed. "I'm sure you didn't." Louis assured him. "People are looking.." Harry said, clearly kinda uncomfortable. "Well, let them look all they want hun." Louis shrugged, grabbing Harry's hand as he opened the car door for him so he could get in.

Walking around and sitting down next to him, he turned the key and started the car putting his hand on Harry's thigh squeezing softly. "So you're ready to see your new home then?" Harry smiled weakly and looked at him. "Yeah."

Louis had told Harry he'd make sure Harry's stuff would be brought to his place, but Harry managed to get the money from Louis and handle it himself since well, Louis couldn't find out about his actual address. It had only been a small buss and Harry had told Louis already that he was mainly doing this so he was able to pay for college eventually and claimed that that way also the reason why he didn't have a lot of stuff; simply because he didn't have the money to buy it.

Yesterday he had said his goodbye's to his fellow workers at the bakery. That was the worst part of leaving for Harry. The ladies working there had always been so nice to him and he was definitely going to miss him. However, he had promised to visit them any time soon and he was going to keep that promise without a doubt.

It was a 1 ½ drive when they drove into a neigbourhood with massive houses. Harry's eyes widened a bit. Sure he'd known Louis was rich, but this was just insane, the kind of houses you saw on tv. Eventually he stopped in front of a port that opened up. They drove into a huge garden and eventually Louis parked the car in front of a huge mansion. "You live here?" Harry asked, gaping a little. Louis chuckled, put his finger under Harry's chin and gently pushed his mouth back closed. "Yes, I do." He told him.

A man in a suite walked out of the front door. "Welcome back." He said. Harry eyed him. He looked like a typical butler. Did Louis have butlers? Crazy.. Harry guessed he was in his fifties. He looked very kind. "Thank you." Liam said. "Edward, this is Harry who I told you about." They shook hands. "I'll park your car in the garage. Mister Styles' stuff has been brough to his bedroom." "P-please call me Harry." Harry said instantly. Mister Styles... It kinda made him uneasy hearing that. "Harry it'll be then." Edward chuckled as he stepped into the car.

Louis walked into the mansion with Harry who had a hard time not freaking out. This place was absolutely amazing. Never in a million years had he thought he'd go from that crappy apartment to this.. this amazing place. "Why would you have such a huge home when you live by yourself..?" Harry asked. "Well, I used to live here with my family. But after my father died my sisters moved in with my uncle and aunt. I was too busy taking my dad's position at the company. From then on it was just me, Edward and a couple of house cleaners." He chuckled. "That's why I was looking for someone like you." He stated, looking at Harry who thought Louis' eyes couldn't get more blue now the light coming through the window was directly shining at his face.

He got a house door, which took about an hour. Louis only showed the most important parts of the place. The indoor pool, outside pool, gym, cinema, game room (which Harry was very happy with), the bar, the backyard, and last his bedroom.

"Ready to see your bedroom?" Louis asked as they walked through yet another long hallway. "Mine is at the end of the hallway. I know there's a lot of rooms available in the house but I thought it might be easy since well, if something's wrong you'll be able to reach me easily without having to search for me for an hour. Even I think the house is confusing in the dark." He chuckled. "Also, this room has a great view on the garden and has it's own private bathroom. Thought you'd like that." He opened the door and once again Harry couldn't believe what he saw. This was more than amazing. This was life changing. He didn't know how long he'd be staying here, but it felt like a dream. Louis was nice, this place was amazing and he was paid to stay here instead of paying to stay here as if it was a hotel. "T-this looks a-amazing.." He stuttered as he stepped inside.

The room was very modern. The walls were painted light blue and white. There was a huge kingsized bed, a beautiful desk will all kinds of stuff on it. There were too doors, both open. One led inside his closet which was filled with clothes and the other one led to a huge bathroom with a jacuzzi in it. Harry had no idea how Louis' family had ever managed to create a company that provided so much money they could live like this.

"Like what you see?" Louis teased. "I don't even know what to say." Harry admitted as he walked around. "Everything is yours. I bought you a whole lot of clothing as well. I hope it's kinda your style. It's all designer clothing by the way. I hope that doesn't make you feel uncomfortable. You are allowed to make use of everything in the house that I showed you. Also, I ordered you a new phone, laptop and computer. Computer for your bedroom and laptop for wherever you wanna sit. You mentioned you liked the apple designs at the amusement park, so it's all of that brand." Harry couldn't help himself but walk over to Louis and hug him. "Thank you." He sighed.

"Just get used to it. This is only the beginning." Was all he got in return.

A/N: Sorry for the late updates. Updates might take a while from now on, since I've got quite a lot going on in real life.

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