(12) The Clermoron Brothers

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This is how I imagine Zane - as Cyrus Amini, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter~

This is how I imagine Zane - as Cyrus Amini, I hope you'll enjoy this chapter~

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The best way to describe Zane Mian was to call him a social butterfly. He navigated from group to group, gathering information and laughs before going to the next without settling. He seemed to be everywhere yet nowhere at the same time, he belonged with every group, meaning he didn't belong to any in particular. One minute he hypnotized you with his eyes, the next one he was nowhere to be seen.

He was indifferent yet could be funny and entertaining and knew most of the students here, a walking paradox. To Mickey he'd always been charismatic and captivating but they hadn't spoken much in high school. Along with Juan they were the closest thing they all had to Mr.Popular.

From the open door of the kitchen, Mickey spotted him a few times, observing him as he moved around, appearing and disappearing. Until their group got too big and their conversation too heated for her not to chip in.

And she didn't expect to see him any more that night, especially not from so close, yet here he was, walking in the kitchen, an empty cup dangling nonchalantly from his right hand.

Mickey's group was caught up in a debate at that point and she barely noticed him. He skimmed through the fridge for a while, looking for something to drink and as they kept talking, she soon enough forgot his presence. She was too mad to pay attention to him.

The conversation was starting to go south at this point.

"Make it make sense," she scoffed, trying her best to remain calm.

"Come on, you know what I mean," Nancy Quakers sighed.

"No, I really don't."

"Well I do know but I don't agree with you," Francesca intervened.

"What's that all about?" Zane asked, joining the circle they formed and laying his arm on Nathan's shoulders.

His eyes briefly met with Mickey's, before looking at Francesca who just started speaking. "Dark humour."

"What about it?"

"So basically, Nancy here thinks it's funny and light-hearted, but Mickey hates it, and then there's all kind of in-between," Nathan summarized, visibly amused.

It felt like a weird debate to have when the party was growing wild out the door. Especially since Juan and Phineas were dancing on a table, stripping while the crowd threw coins at them - it barely made sense anymore.

Mickey took a sip from her drink to get bolder. "I don't like it. Or I don't like the people who use it. I don't know, I love sarcasm but those boys are juste plain losers."

"The Clermont brothers," Nathan explained.

A look of understanding appeared on Zane's face as he pieced the puzzle back together. This conversation wasn't as much about dark humour as it was about the two siblings, known for their excessive use of it.

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