(3) Kev's Coffee Place

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Kev's coffee shop was not a place Mickey was used to going. Even if the town was quite small, she actually never set foot there. There was a reason for this, and a reason why she was hesitating to apply for the job in the first place.

She was a loyal client of the rival coffee shop in town, Doughie Doughie's Coffee place. Mickey knew she couldn't go back to Doughie's if she worked at Kev's. Both owners were brothers, but were on bad terms since their fight Mickey felt very strongly about. She knew all about the way Kev tried to steal the infamous secret recipe of the Doughie Doughie frappuccino by having his wife's nephew work there for a week incognito. Was she about to sell her soul to Plankton and disappoint Mr.Krabs ?

Her resume sucked in the first place. There was nothing to write down. She was thinking qualities off of the top of her head. Patient. Sure, this was her main issue at the moment but whatever worked on her paper. Dynamic. She couldn't stay 30 minutes standing without feeling the urge to sit down. Attentive? Her ability to focus was extremely unreliable. She had asked her mom to tell her some of her qualities and watched her struggle to come up with "Funny", ending up in a waste of time for both of them.

After having spent an hour trying to fill at least half of the page, she was starting to feel like she had to apply. At least to honour how badly this resume-writing made her feel about herself. With some luck, she wouldn't get the job and would just have to go back to drinking some Doughie Doughie Frappuccino she couldn't afford. Even if there wasn't any worker with killer dimples there. It was just like Shakespeare said, life really doth be hard.

She pretended to hesitate for two days, when really she had pretty much decided she would do it from the moment she was done writing her resume. So she got ready and headed to Kev's Coffee Shop.

Everytime she went out in the summer, as the sun heat her skin she started to feel the urge to swim. There was no better feeling than diving in some cool water after having been out in the sun. Why hadn't she gone swimming yet? The lake was too far to get to without a car, but she could have gone to the local swimming pool. All she had to do was avoid thinking about how many people there probably peed in the water. Wasn't it awkward to go there alone? She felt so self-aware going to some places on her own.

She brushed her thoughts aside as she got to the Coffee shop, and entered, before slowly making her way to the cash register. Behind the counter, the manager was wiping off some glasses like some bartender in a retro movie. The sun was bright outside, but Kev's bald head shone brighter.

When she opened the door, the sunlight reflected off his head and bounced back in her eyes. Surprise attack, sneaky as always.

"Hello. I'm here to apply for the waiting job", she said reluctantly as she reached the counter.

"...Ok?" He answered, visibly confused at how upset she looked. "Can I have a look at your resume?"

She handed him the piece of paper. It felt good, speaking to somebody else than her mother. Even if the person was her sworn enemy by procuration.

"We'll call you back", he concluded after taking a brief look at it.


"What'you mean how?"

"Do you want me to write down my number somewhere?"

Kevin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Didn't you write it down on there?" He asked, trying his best to sound nice.

Oh. She flashed her best "MyBadPleaseDon'tFailMe" smile, the kind that saved her life a few times in school when she forgot writing her name or forgot to do the work altogether.

"Erm, no. But, I can correct that right now" She heaved, taking back the paper.

Kev shook his head and sighed. How she missed Doughie. She could already tell her and Kev weren't meshing well, at all.

"I'm sorry, do you have a pen?" She asked, embarrassed.

Kev - or Kevin as she would call him from now on out of a wish to put as much distance as possible between the two of them - looked up at her. They looked at each other in silence for a few seconds, and she could see it all in his eyes. His stare was so intense. It was like his eyes were shouting "Don't come back here, you'll never get the job". "I'm leaving this here. Just in case," she announced, leaving her resume on the counter.

Mickey hurried out of the shop, not noticing that as she rushed to get out of there, someone was rushing to get in. Her nose came in contact with a hard surface, and caught in the momentum, she fell back on her behind. She swore she heard a crack sound, but was frankly struggling to guess just what part of her was hurting at this point. Did she break her nose hitting that thing, or did she just break her ass? Her mind was confused due to the shock, but she was sure she heard Kevin laugh and it only added anger to the mix.

"Shit, are you ok?"

"I'm fine, thanks", she reassured, getting up.

Of course. Of course she had to humiliate herself in front of the sexy barista. Of course her downfall would be those rockhard abs of his, hard enough to break her nose. Is that the fate of a main character? Certainly she had embarrassed herself enough since the beginning of this story, she didn't feel like she had to stoop even lower. Yet she did.

"Hey, aren't you the girl who stepped on shit in front of the shop last week?" He smiled, taking a look at her face.

Mickey pushed some curls out of her face, stared at him for a bit. She tried to think up an answer, but felt too dejected. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out. So she just left, letting both her enemies watch her walk out, blood rushing down her nostrils.


We're starting to get somewhere ! I struggle a whole lot to write the beginnings of my stories but I hope you'll like the beginning of this one and what's to come if you're reading this! I'm releasing the fourth chapter on the 30th probably

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