(8) Sweet Moccha

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Reminder of last chapter : "How did you know the recipe to the Secret Glitter Milkshake?"  "I can't believe it. You're the chosen one."

"I can't believe it

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"I can't believe it. It's your second day of work. Only your second day of work," he marvelled. 

Mickey was over whatever was happening in the staff room at the moment. "Your second day," Kevin repeated in disbelief.

"It was a coincidence sir. It's not that big of a deal-"

"Call me Kev!" He announced cheerfully.

Mickey struggled to hold back a frown "No thanks, I'm goo-"

"I can't believe it. I've finally found you. My apprentice."

Callum was sitting at the edge of the table, his feet dangling in the air. His back was facing Kevin but Mickey could see perfectly well how funny the whole situation was to him, which didn't help.

"Isn't it time for us to open anyway?" She asked, hoping it would divert their attention.

"Right. Callum?"

"On it," the boy answered, disappointment obvious on his face as he walked out.

And as usual, her attempt backfired. "What do you mean by apprentice?" She wondered anyway. "I'm already in training."

Kevin shook his head, an annoying smile plastered on his face. "That's nothing. Learning to make coffees and frappuccino, that's normal - but the SGM?? Only Nelly and I are allowed to make the Secret Glitter Milkshake, no one else even knows the recipe. Welcome to the next level, my loyal apprentice."

Mickey felt the urge to throw her apron on the table and quit right this instant, or maybe run away as fast as she could. "But I don't want to," she whined in a voice that sounded more childish than she intended it to.

"Now now, no need to feel shy. I recognized your potential the minute you stepped in," he lied.

"...Will you pay me more?"


"Then... am I going to get less hours?"

"The opposite really."

"Ok, now that was very convincing," she starts slowly, trying her best to show how sorry she was. "But, I'm going to have to decline, I'm not sure I'm fit for this great responsibility."

At this point, she really just wanted to go home, and really struggled to understand how it'd come to this. She'd rather see him get mad at her for no reason or glare at her like he did on the first day, his smiling while asking her to be his apprentice was far worse. "As you want," he trails off, disappointed. "I'm sure you will change your mind soon enough once you realize what a great opportunity I'm giving you."

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