(5) Always ask the specifics

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Mickey hesitated for a while

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Mickey hesitated for a while. She felt like applying make-up, but only had a few products in her possession, and had no confidence she would know how to use them. She stared at her reflexion for a while, confused about whether or not she looked good. She felt pretty good. Her face was a bit tired, but her hair was looking great and her dark circles had known darker days. She looked down at her dried-up concealer and lipstick, but decided against it. It was enough that she spent half an hour picking out some clothes, only to end up choosing some random shorts and white shirt in her closet.

"Not like I'm going on a date or something," she muttered to herself.

Mickey felt nervous for some reason. She didn't leave a great first impression on both the owner and her future co-worker. After that incident and her lame ass resume, why did they even want her there? She definitely didn't show how professional she was.

"'Ma, I'm going" She shouted, advancing toward the door.

She slammed the door behind her and rushed to get there on time, which was hard to do as she was trying to untangle her headphones at the same time. As she walked toward her new workplace, in the opposite direction came Miranda. It was extremely rare seeing any member of the infamous group on their own, Mickey was even beginning to doubt they existed individually; yet this day finally happened.

She always found it awkward running into her classmates, especially the ones she had already talked to a few times. Was she supposed to greet them, continue walking, nod her head, wave or something? Her already sweaty-by-nature palms would grow even sweatier in those situations. Miranda was barely looking at her anyway.

To describe her briefly, Miranda was beyond beautiful. Her hair was really long, dark but so bright; it was glowing. Her family arrived from India when she was young, and as a result she had this charming accent. Her skin was flawless, and she knew about makeup. She knew exactly how to compliment her olive complexion, big almond eyes and plump lips. Mickey remembered sitting next to her in the beginning of middle school, before puberty hit Miranda and when her accent was still thick; she was the cutest thing. 

This was the thing about going outside: Mickey could feel good about herself in front of the mirror in her room, but it only took her seeing Miranda or some other girl to think she looked like a month-old onion.

"Hey," Miranda smiled right as they passed each other.

Caught in her own world, it took a bit too long for Mickey to process what had just happened. Miranda was pretty far when she mumbled "Hel-.. Right back at you!", and it was most probable she didn't even hear it. Hopefully. Mickey stood still for a few seconds, confused. 

She was so sure Miranda would ignore her. Maybe her classmates weren't as hard to approach as she thought. She couldn't help but smile a bit. She was still smiling when she entered the coffee shop.

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