Not a Date.

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The gym doors opened and a team wearing purple and white walked through. I eyed the tall emotionless brunette leading the way with a guy with red hair following behind him.

Plopping back down in my seat I waited for the match to start. Surely Aoba Johsai would just take this match with the first two sets again, right? They clearly were the superior team and I was proud of the guys for being able to compete against them, from what I've seen they were the only ones that managed to do three sets with them.

'Addison, are you okay?! Tsukki said you weren't feeling well today.'

Hinata messaged me and I laughed, he was cute in his own unique way. I didn't respond to the message though, I was just going to say I was resting.

To my surprise this match reminded me a lot of the Karasuno and Aoba Johsai match, in the sense that it didn't appear to be an easy win. Oikawa was clearly pressed, he was not his usual idiotic self. I frowned watching the scoreboard, one second Aoba Johsai would have the lead and the next the other team would destroy them.

I wanted Oikawa to be squashed by Kageyama but right now, watching him play this random team, I felt unhappy watching him lose. The first set ended with Aoba Johsai losing, twenty-two to twenty-five.

My anxiety begun to build up, I was having flashbacks to the Karasuno game.

I thought Aoba Johsai was clearly the superior team but by the looks of it, I was wrong.

It felt like my heart dropped to my stomach when the second set ended and Aoba Johsai lost. I could see the disappointment on everyone's faces. Shiratorizawa didn't even seem phased about their win, it was like they were absolutely positive that they were going to win, no need to celebrate.

Hanging my head, I quietly exited the gym.

Kicking the gravel at my feet I waited to hear the commotion of the teams leaving. It didn't take too long until I saw him.

Frowning I waited for him to finish talking to his team before making my appearance more known. The two teammates from earlier noticed me before nodding towards me and smacking each other before rushing off.

"Hey," I mumbled, deciding it was best to just ignore them.

Kindaichi's eyes widened before he excused himself.

Iwaizumi acknowledged me before turning towards Oikawa, "Make it fast, yeah? We still have to talk about the game after."

"Of course, Iwa-chan." He smiled brightly and my frowned deepened.

"You can show your true emotions, you know." I waited for Iwaizumi to walk off.

"What do you mean, Ren-chan?" He kept up the facade, "I see you're wearing my jacket now. It's too bad you didn't get to see us win while wearing it." He scratched the back of his head, "You must have put it on too late." He joked.

I smacked his shoulder, "Stop faking it for me." I internally cringed at my innuendo.

He tilted his head, "I don't know what you mean."

"I've watched almost all of your matches, the faces you're making right now don't match up with what I see on the court."

His eyes darkened, here we go.

"No point in mourning over it," He waved his hand, "We'll get our revenge during the Spring Interhigh Qualifiers." His voice deepened and I hated myself for finding it attractive.

I stared down at my white shoes, not really knowing what else there was to say but I wasn't quite ready to leave yet. I wasn't able to properly comfort Karsuno, so I didn't want to fail to comfort Oikawa as well.

The Real You ~ oikawa tooru fanfic.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum