Game Day.

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 "You were all incredible! I was on the edge of my seat, sweating away!" I admitted, laughing while I hung off of Tanaka's back.

Yachi was helping Kiyoko, I offered to help but they insisted that they didn't need it.

"You were sweating? What about us?!" Dachi laughed but not before lifting up his shirt to wipe sweat off of his face. I froze, struggling to keep my eyes on his face and nothing else. How could Kiyoko and Yachi manage this team without fawning over them? My eyes managed to quickly slide over his fit body before I closed them and walked over to Tsukki.

"You can be happy like everyone else, you know." I sat down beside him, peering up at him.

He gave me a bored expression and I frowned. Maybe I should bring up his brother to him. Just not now.

I stood back up to stand beside Yamaguchi, so I could nudge him in the side, "Can I expect to see you on the court for the next match?" I teased.

He flushed before paling and slightly trembling, "I'd rather not."

"Yamaguchi, you're part of the team. You clearly have some skill." I reassured, "If it happens, you've got this."

I'd like to say my words seemed to calm him down. But truthfully that wasn't the case, he still looked petrified at the thought of playing on the court. But I couldn't blame him, it would be intimidating, especially if they do end up playing Aoba Johsai. Oikawa clearly had something up his sleeve.

"Alright, we need to clear out so the next match can happen. Let's go team!" The coach called and my eyes widened as I rushed out of the gym to make sure I wouldn't be in anybodies' way.

"I don't like that guy." Tanaka grumbled from the bleachers as we watched the rest of Aoba Johsai's game. "Why does he have so many fan girls?!"

 "I don't think that's the issue at hand, right now." Daichi sighed.

"Are his serves and sets that good?" I stood up beside Kageyama.

He nodded, "He's always been good, since junior high."

"You've known him that long?" I asked, praying this wouldn't be a terrible conversation starter.

"I've learned a lot by watching him." He nodded.

"Watching him?" I frowned, "But weren't you on the same team?"

"I asked him to teach me how to serve but he refused to." I found myself glaring at Oikawa on the court, what a dick.

"He's older?" I wanted to laugh at myself, I've spoken to him a few times now but truthfully I didn't know anything about him. Besides the fact that he was vain, attractive and good at volleyball.

He nodded, "He's a senior."

A senior that wouldn't even teach his underclassman how to serve? I didn't even have a close relationship to Kageyama and he was rather cold a lot of the time, but knowing that Oikawa appeared to treat him so poorly put a bad taste in my mouth. Shouldn't you be mature, responsible and teach and help people on your team, especially if they're younger than you?

Daichi would never treat someone like that, I was sure of it.

"We should get going, we should prepare for tomorrow." Daichi spoke up.

"The match will be tomorrow?" I asked, feeling embarrassed by how little I truthfully knew.

"Yes, and it looks like we'll be playing Aoba Johsai." His voice sounded tense. I frowned, this whole time I was so confident in our teams ability when talking to Oikawa but the feeling in the pit of my stomach was making me wish I kept my mouth shut.

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