The First Match.

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 "How do I look?" I twirled around in front of my phone, that was currently leaning up against a pile of books for support so I could show Sara my outfit. For some reason I was excited and jittery, it almost felt like I was playing. Was I subconsciously this attached to the volleyball team? I mean, I did watch almost all of their practices and occasionally joked around with them.

I was wearing a navy blue skirt, to go with the stitching on Tsukki's sweater. I thought I looked cute and I just needed Sara's approval to give me a boost of confidence.

She was munching away on something as she eyed me, "Who's sweater is that?"

"You're not answering my question." I sighed, walking closer to my phone before plopping down on my chair.

"You're not answering mine. Do you already have a boyfriend? You're just that pretty, eh." She grumbled, saltily taking a bit of what almost looked like a breadstick.

"It's Tsukki's. I'm borrowing it so I can rep the team, Sara. I do not have a boyfriend." I sighed dramatically.

"The boy that was in your room last time? You're wearing his sweater now?" There was no judgement in her voice, just disbelief.

"Sara! He's a childhood friend, that'd just be weird."

"He looked tall as hell and hot."

I nodded my head in thought, "I mean you're not wrong but still, it'd be weird. Now do I look cute, or not?!" I grumbled, standing back up dramatically and twirling around again.

She nodded, "You do but who are you trying to look cute for then? If it's not... Tsukki?"

I paused as I thought of the possibility of seeing Oikawa today. This was a volleyball tournament, so Aoba Johsai would have to be there, right? Was that why I was feeling so jittery and cared about how I looked? Because I wanted to 'accidentally' run into him? Oh my god, was I turning into Sara and beginning to become boy crazy?

But if I wanted to see him wouldn't I not be sporting another guys' team?

"Oh my god, why do you look so deep in thought?! You're thinking of someone aren't you?! Tell me!"

I glanced at the time, "I should get going..."

"Serenity Addison! Tell me right this second! You're crushing on someone! I know you!" She screamed and I wondered what her parents were doing to not run into her bedroom.

"Okay, shut up." I whispered, "I'm not crushing on anyone. There is this cute guy though... But he doesn't play for my school! I probably won't even see him today. And he's clearly a player. He's just someone that's nice to look at." I justified.

"Wait, so are you just admiring him from afar then? Like have you spoken to him before?" She questioned.

 "I've spoken to him... But just a few times. There's really nothing going on. Allegedly he's a really good volleyball player so he's kind of full of himself, and he's hot, so yeah, very egotistical." I explained, "But really, no feelings are involved but I should leave, Tsukki will probably be here any minute now. I'll call you later, love you!" I hung up.

 Looking in my mirror I pulled at and fixed one of my pigtails before heading downstairs. There was a knock on my door as I pulled my shoe on. Hopping over to the door, while attempting to pull on my other show I was greeted by Yamaguchi and Tsukki.

"You ready?!" Yamaguchi asked in excitement.

"Are you?" I laughed in response, closing the front door behind me.

The excitement faded from his eyes, "I'm very nervous, I feel sick."

He really just did a complete one-eighty, right in front of my eyes. I eyed him warily as we started walking.

The Real You ~ oikawa tooru fanfic.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz