Boy Troubles.

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Sure, I was smug and enjoyed teasing Oikawa if I could but now that I had time to sit and consider everything, I hated it. Should I have called him by his first name?! What was I thinking?! What if he thinks that I'm like in love with him now or something? I probably made a fool of myself again. Why'd I even kiss him? What if he's walking around school right now bragging to everyone? But then again was I even someone that is brag-worthy?

My head was beginning to spin as I sprawled across my desk. It was then that I realized I was running out of time to copy down the notes on the blackboard in front of me. My eyes widened when I noticed my teacher's hand moving towards the eraser and I jumped up in my seat to messily copy down the notes.

Once he erased the notes, including a majority that I missed a sad noise escaped my lips as I placed my head back down onto my desk. I already was at a disadvantage, this wasn't helping.

A rush of wind hit me in the face and I opened my eyes to find a thin notebook now accompanying me on my desk. I eyed it curiously before my eyes looked to my right to find Tsukki eyeing me with a pathetic expression.

He was definitely judging me right now.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked.

I felt a blush line my cheeks, "Nothing." I mumbled, moving his notebook so that I was able to quickly copy down what he wrote. I'd just have to make my notes more cleaner during practice today.

To my surprise Tsukki decided to keep talking to me, "So what'd you end up doing yesterday?"

My hand stopped moving as I stared at the papers in front of me, I never did think of an excuse if he asked. I didn't think he would even end up asking since he didn't seem to care about it yesterday.

"Just some stuff for my parents." I shrugged.

"Oh yeah?" His tone made me look up and I nervously stared at his accusatory eyes. Did he know I was lying? But how would he know? He doesn't have a tracker for me. I tapped my pen against my notebook, there was no way that he saw me kissing Oikawa, right? Even if he did, it's not that big of a deal, people kiss all the time. It doesn't have to mean anything serious. Sure, he's their rival but I doubted Tsukki cared about something like that.

He can be annoyingly petty sometimes though...

"Yeah." I mumbled, refusing to meet his eyes again.

"Okay." He nodded his head, looking forward. Anxiety began to fill in my body, what was up with him and his demeanour?


I watched Tsukki as I redid my notes during their practice. He wasn't doing anything in particular but I was still suspicious about earlier. Something was up. Hinata was moving at the speed of light like usual, I wish I could have half of his energy - just writing out my notes right now had me tired.

Once it was clear that practice was wrapping up I began to pack up myself.

I stretched on the bleachers, watching everyone huddled together, talking. Earlier I thought I heard them talking about some type of tournament they had coming up. If that was the case, Hinata surprisingly didn't harass me to watch them play. Maybe Tsukki gave him shit knowing that I was currently struggling with my schoolwork and needed to focus on it more than their games.

They were talented and had determination, I was sure they'd be good. As long as they didn't play Aoba Johsai again right away...

It was a close match though, so they could have possibly won even if one thing just happened differently.

Aoba Johsai... sigh.

Why did their captain have to be so attractive? And so out of my league.

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