Chapter 9: A Royal Suprise

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First of: Hello guys! How are you?

Second: so the idea I had in this chapter is not the most original one ever (like: not at all), but I still wanted to do it. Over the last few days I have made a list with ideas for this book (my friends wanted to see it all the time, and yes, I'm talking about you @Teenwolfhttydforever), so in the next few chapters I don't have to think of the plot anymore, because that is the reason why it took me so long to update, so that probably will go faster now. Okay, so let's just start with why you guys have come here in the first place: the chapter!


Hiccup's POV

When I woke up this morning, Astrid was still asleep in my arms. I smiled, kissed the top of her head, and slowly untangled her from my arms. I stood up and walked downstairs. I prepared breakfast for me and Astrid, and then went upstairs again. I entered the bedroom, and saw that Astrid was still asleep. I putted our breakfast down on a table, and slowly walked over to her. I bent down to her and kissed her softly on the lips. When I felt that she was waking up, I pulled back. Her eyelids fluttered open, and revealed those beautiful eyes I love so much.

"Good morning, m'lady, have you slept nice?" I asked to her.

"Mmm." She mumbled and hit her face beneath the sheets. I smiled at her being so childish.

"Well sorry that I had to wake you up, but I've made breakfast for us." After that I plugged the sheets of her body and picked her up bridal style. Before she could protest, I had putted her down in her chair and sat across her in another chair. When I looked at her, the look she gave me was priceless. I wanted to laugh, but I knew that it was probably not the smartest thing I could do right now. When I couldn't keep my mouth shut, I asked her:

"Is something wrong?" She turned even redder then that she already was , and now I really couldn't hold my laughter anymore. I burst out in a laugh that I couldn't stop, even if I wanted to. Astrid looked surprised by my sudden outburst and asked:

"Why are you laughing?"

"Because," I said in between my laughs, "you should... see your... face... right now,... it's... priceless." Then she looked at me with a weird face, and then burst also out in in a laugh. We laughed for a few more minutes, and then started eating breakfast. When we were done eating and had putted our armour on, I said:

"I have some chiefing business to do today. But if you want we can do something in the evening?"

"That would great." She answered me.

"Then I see you this afternoon." I walked over to the door, but before I left, I said:

"BTW, you can stay here as long as you want. I'll probably be back around 6." And then walked out of the door. I walked over to the forge where Gobber was singing one of his tunes. I honestly didn't know what the tune was called again, since he had so many different ones.

"Morning Gobber." I greeted him as I started working on a saddle. He jumped up in surprise when he heard my voice.

"Hiccup, you know that if I'm singing you can't sneak up on me like that!" He exclaimed. I chuckled.

"Well, it is not my fault that you sing so loudly that you can't hear when someone is coming here." He mumbled something and got back to his work. After a while he said:

"Before I forget to say it, tomorrow there comes a ship with a man where your father did his chief training with. He heard about,... well, the news and they wanted to come visit." When he mentioned my father, I still had difficulties not to cry, but I was the chief now, so I had to put on a brave face for my tribe.

"Have I already meet him sometime?" I asked Gobber, hoping that he didn't hear the sadness in my voice.

"No, after your father was done with training, they didn't saw each other anymore. The only way they communicated with each other was through post, but it took a long time to get to the other. He is also coming with his wife and children." I nodded.

"I make sure that everything is ready for when they arrive."

(Time skip, because I'm too lazy to right what happens the rest of the day.)

It was a little bit after 6 when I walked into my house again. As I already guessed, had Astrid stayed. At the moment, she was reading in the book of dragons. When she hear me walking in, she looked up and said:

"Hey, you had a nice day on your work?"

"yeah well, making saddles and making sure that the village doesn't het destroyed isn't my definition of 'a nice day'." I answered. She giggled, and man, what do I love that sound.

"Also, tomorrow there is going to be a chief from another tribe with his family. I have already made preparations for them." I said. She nodded. Then I heard a rumbling sound coming from Astrid's stomach. She turned red, what I think is kinda cute on her.

"Come on, then I will make you dinner." We walked over to the kitchen and started making us dinner. When we had make our dinner, we sat down at the table, and began to eat. During dinner we talked about how are days were, until I asked:

"Do you want to sleep over here again tonight?"

Astrid's POV

"Do you want to sleep over here again tonight?"

I didn't know how to answer that question. At the one side I didn't wanted to go to my house where I was alone, but I also didn't want him to get the wrong thoughts about me. He must have seen the doubt in my face, because he said:

"No no no, not like that. I just don't want you to be alone tonight, not after I just got you back."

I honestly didn't know what to say about that.

"I... I don't know what to say." I said to him.

"You don't have to." He said. "The only thing I need to hear is a yes or no." I was always stunned when he said thinks like that. But I knew that every part of me was wanting me to say that three letter word:


A smile spread across his face and we finished our dinner in silence. When we were done, Hiccup picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bedroom.

"Do you always have to do that?" I asked him.

"Yes," he simply answered. When we were in the bedroom, he putted me on the bed and walked downstairs. A little time later he came back upstairs with some clothes.

"I've picked these up from your house. Figured you might need them."

"Thank you." How he knew that I was going to say yes, I don't know, but I didn't complain. I walked over to the bedroom and changed my clothes. When I came back into the bathroom, Hiccup had his clothes changed as well. I laid down on the bed, and he did to. After that, we talked the whole evening, until I couldn't say which the moment was that we both fell asleep.


Yeah, finally a new chapter. Hope that it is not to crappie.

Lately I've been watching The Walking Dead, anybody knows that show?

For the ones who heard bad things about it: it is an AWESOME show. Indeed, there are a lot of zombie in it and I shouldn't watch it if you can't stand the blood, but there are so much emotions in it that I don't have the words for it. I fell in love with these series. I would recommend you watching it if you haven't done so already.

And then now, the pick explanation above: today I decided to update this on my computer, and then I found out that you could see the statistics of your story. I came across all different things, like age, gender, and when there is voted, but what most got me, was the pictogram of where you guys are from. That is shown on the picture. I was so surprised to see where all of you came from, even from the other side of the world. I wish that I could meet every single one of you, but I know that that is kinda impossible.

Oh yeah, before I forget to ask, who do you guys think that the visitor is going to be? I'm curious for you answers.

See you guys next time!


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