Chapter 7: Do You...?

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Hey guys,
Happy birthday to me, well, almost. My birthday is tomorrow, and I probably don't have time to upload a new chapter then, so I upload it now. See this chapter as as my birthday gift for you guys. Hope you enjoy it, it got a lot of emotions in it, hope you survive ;)
Also, did I had my birthday party, and I went to see The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1, and oh my gosh guys, what was it amazing! If you've read the book, or watched the first two movies, you should definitely go to this movie. I'm not going to spoil to much for you guys, but it was even better then I had expected it to be. I can't wait to see the next movie, knowing already what is going to happen in the next movie (I've read the books), I'm thrilled to see the next movie.
I'm not gonna let you guys wait longer, here is the new chappie!
Astrid's POV
The scene in front of my eyes was absolutely stunning. Today it was one of the good days here on Berk. We had clear blue skies, and the sun was shining on the lake in the middle of the cove. The water reflected the sun rays, so it looked like the water was sparkling. For somebody else it may seems like something special, but I loved it. It was summer, so the plants were in their most beautiful state. But it weren't the lake and the plants I was stunned about. It was the man sitting in the middle of the cove at a table, which had a complete breakfast on it. When he saw me, he smiled and stood up, he walked up to me.
"So you've find the signs?" He asked. I couldn't say anything at that moment, so I just nodded my head. He escorted me to the the table and helped me in my chair. Then he walked to his own chair and sat down.
"And, do you like it?" He asked. I finally found my voice back, but I could only say:
"How've you made all of this?" He chuckled.
"It wasn't that difficult. My mother helped me with the cooking, and Toothless and I made the cove ready. It may have toke some time, but I don't mind it."
I was speechless. That he all wanted to do this for me. I didn't know what to say, but I didn't had to, because Hiccup said:
"Shall we start breakfast?" I nodded, and looked for the first time good at the food. I was against stunned. I must really stop that, I thought by myself. He literally made everything I like. Chicken, my favourite kind of bread with jam, and some yak milk. It maybe was simple, but I didn't mind. When I started ate the chicken leg, the flavours exploded in my mouth. I took a long moment to enjoy the flavours, before I said:
"By Thor Hiccup, this tastes amazing!" He smiled.
"I already hoped you like it. My mother knew a plant that she always used if she was making food, and I used it for the chicken." He chuckled. "Although it was a little bit difficult to get the plants out of the ground. It took me almost an hour to finally get enough of them, while Toothless was just being... well Toothless." I giggled at the picture of Hiccup trying to get the plants out of the ground, and Toothless distracting him the whole time.
We ate our breakfast while talking small talk, we began to swim in the lake. We played with Toothless and Stormfly, until we were all out of breath. We swam back to the coast to catch our breath. After a minute, Hiccup said:
"Well, that was nice."
I laughed. "You should have seen your face when I pushed you beneath the water. 3 times!"
"Yeah yeah..." He mumbled. I only started to laugh even more because of that. Eventually Hiccup could laugh about it as well. When we were both done laughing, Hiccup asked:
"Astrid, can I ask you a question?" I wanted to say something like 'you just did', but he sounded so serious, that I didn't.
"Sure. What do you wanna ask?" He mumbled something, which I guess started with 'do you', but I couldn't hear it clearly.
"Sorry, I didn't hear you, what did you say?"
He sighed, took a deep breath and said:
"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"
I was shocked, and without that I wanted it, my smile slipped from my face. Hiccup saw it and was immediately sad.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. Just forget it." He started to get out of the water, but before he could, I grabbed his arm.
"No wait." I said. He turned around, and I saw the pain in his eyes. But I not gonna walk let him away if he doesn't knew the truth.
"Hiccup," I started. "Yes, I wanna be your girlfriend. I love you" I didn't doubt a second to say those words.
His face changed immediately from completely defeated to the happiest man alive in the blink of an eye. He didn't say a word, but he didn't need to. I could read it in his eyes. He picked me up out of the water and putted me into a hug.
"I love you too." He whispered in my ear. "Now we can be together forever." I smiled.
"I'd like that." I whispered back.
Aaaaahhhhhhh! Da feelz! Ther killing me! 'Till now I think this was the most fun chapter to write. What do you think of it? Was it a little bit to weird on some moments? Let me know what you think in the comments.
Bye bye, my little Hiccstrid lovers! See you next time!
XXX HiccstridXJelsa

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