Chapter 2: Falling Down

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Hey guys,

This is a very long chapter, but I had an idea in my head, and it became this long. Anyway, hope you like it!

Astrid's POV

When I woke up in the morning, I found out that I was to late for training. I rushed to my closet, putted on my clothes, braided my hair, eat breakfast and got to the stable of Stormfly.

"Hey girl." I said while I walked in. "You're hungry?"

I grasped a basket of chicken and put it in front of her.

"You have to to eat quick, girl. We're already late for training." When she finished her breakfast after 1 minute (I've never seen her eat so quick), we flew to the arena. As I already quested, they were already started with the lesson.

"So this are the things we're going to do today." Hiccup finished his story.

"Hey Astrid, why are you so late?" He said when his eyes caught me. I sighed. I hoped that he wouldn't notice that I was missing, but off course he had to notice it.

"I woke up to late. I'm sorry." I said while I looked at him. He nodded.

"Let's get-"

"Hohoho wait, why doesn't she need to do some extra training. I always have to do extra training." Snotlout said.

"That is because this is the first time she is late, while you come almost every lesson to late." Hiccup responded. After that Snotlout mumbled something I couldn't hear, but Ruff and Tuff laughed. Hiccup pretended like he didn't hear it and he walked to me.

"Today we're gonna do trust lesson. Falling of your dragon and look if it catches you." Ah, I thought by myself, so that is the reason everybody looks so nervous.

"Okay, everyone's ready?" He asked while he jumped on Toothless.

"Who is first by the pillars in the sea wins." And with those words he flew off. I already had the feeling that he would do that, so I was prepared. So when he flew off I flew close behind him.

"You already quest I would do this, don't you?" He said when I flew beside him.

"Well, your always making from everything a game, so I was prepared for it." I responded.

After that it was silent for a few seconds, until Hiccup said:

"Astrid, I'm sorry for how I played the game yesterday. I shouldn't have stole your trick." Did I hear that correctly, did he just apologise to me?

"Hiccup, you don't have to apologise to me, you just did what you had to do to win the game. I would've done the same.' After that he seemed a little bit better.

"Thank you Astrid. Can I ask you a question?"


"Do you want to-" he started, but before he could finish his sentence, Hookfang passed us by.

"You're a little bit slow guys. Come on, otherwise..." We couldn't hear the next words, but it was probably about that he was the best or something like that. But back to what Hiccup said, what was he trying to say, did he, no, probably not. I didn't had more time to think about it, because the next moment Stromfly flew after Hookfang. She don't like losing from Toothless, but she hates losing from Hookfang. As always, Hiccup was first, I was second, Snotlout was third, the twins fourth and Fishlegs last.

-Time skip-

"Well, that did go well.' Fishlegs mumbled when he was back on the pillar. Till now the training wasn't really successfull. Snotlout had fell into the water because Hookfang wasn't paying attention. Luckily for him he didn't fall that far. The twins fell both in a different direction, so their dragons couldn't catch them, and Fishlegs fell to fast for Meatlug to catch him.

"Okay Astrid, your turn." Hiccup said.

"Finally." I mumbled while I jumped on Stormfly. We flew off into the sky. When we were 200 meters above the sea. I started to notice that something was different. When you looked around you could see a little vibration in the air, like if you're looking on a hot day in the distance. I didn't have more time to think about it, because the next moment, we were surrounded by Changewings. Stormfly got scared and tried to get out of the group. But while she did that, she forgot that I was on her back. The next thing I know, was that I was falling towards the ocean. And for one second, I could see the blue of the sky. Then a wing hit me and everything went black.

Hey guys!

Ooooh cliffhanger! Hope you don't mind, but I had this idea in my head, and till now I think it's pretty good. Oh, and what was Hiccup trying to say? I tried to update as soon as possible, because I also hate a cliffhanger. See you next time!

P.S. Comment and Vote pleassss

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