Chapter 5: Oh Gobber...

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Hiccup P.O.V.

"I love you too."

I couldn't believe that does words had left her mouth.

"Really?!" She nodded.

"I loved you from the moment you took me on that flight with Toothless. I just didn't had the courage to say it. But then you kissed me, and..." She didn't had the chance to talk further because I kissed her. At first she was amazed, but after a second, she kissed me back with so much passion, that it looked like her life depended on it. She pushed me on the bed and our kiss deepened. She rubbed her hands over my back, but accidently touched in my wound. I closed my eyes when a shiver went through my body, and I inhaled deeply. When I opened my eyes again, Astrid was looking at me with a sorrowful look on her face, and the moment was over. Dammit, that stupid wound. Then I noticed that Astrid was looking at me with a questioned look.

"Sorry, did you say something?" I asked.

"Yeah, I asked if I had hurt you."

"It's nothing, just that stupid wound." She looks at me with a quality face.

"I know that look, you think this is all your fault, isn't it?" She nodded.

"If I hadn't fall of Stormfly, then you didn't had to save me, and none of this would have happened." Her eyes had drifted of, looking at the corner of the room. I took her hands in mine, and made her look at me.

"What happened has happened, and we can't change it now, no matter how much we want it sometimes. It doesn't matter Astrid. It has happened, and I would do the same thing next time. I will always safe." She had gotten tears in her eyes, and I kissed them away. Then I gave her a small kiss on her lips, before I said:

"We should tell the village you have woken up, everyone was really worried." She smiled, what was exactly what I hoped for. We got downstairs, and walked out of the house. Everybody we passed, said something like: 'Good you have woken up.' Or 'Happy to see you again.' We walked over to the forge and Gobber was fixing dragon teeth. When we walked in, he looked at us and said:

"Ah, good that you've woken up Astrid. I see that it is officially now?"

"What do you mean, officially?" I asked him.

"You two officially being couple, off course!" That was the moment I realised we're holding hands. Astrid noticed at the same moment, and we released each other.

"What? No, it is not like that, it's.." I said stuttering.

"Complicated." Astrid finished for me.

"Ah," Gobber said. "love always is. That is the reason why I never got married. Well, that and another reason." I groaned. Must we really talk about this now, I thought by myself. Astrid had turned red, what I always think is cute.

"Well, if you lovebirds could leave me alone, I've got some dragon teeth to fix." Gober said while returning back to the dragon. We walked outside. Well, that was pretty awkward. Astrid was still a little bit red in her face, what I took as a good sign. She was probably still thinking about what just had happened. I want to know what she's exactly thinking. I just want... Man, Gobber was right, love is complicated. The only thing I really know is that I want her. I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn't notice that we're standing in front of Astrid's house. We stood there awkwardly, until Astrid said:

"Well, I should probably go to sleep now."

"Wait, Astrid." I said when she wanted to go inside.


"I'm sorry about what happened with Gobber, it wasn't really..."

"No, it's okay Hiccup, those thing can happen. Besides, I actually liked what he said." She said, then send me a smile, walked inside and closed the door. She was already gone before I knew what her words meant. Did she..? I sighed. Why does love always have to be so difficult?


Yeah, I finally updated. It is boring I know, but I hope you like the Hiccstrid feels, because while writing this there constantly was a smile on my face. Anyway, the reason that I didn't upload in quite some time, was because I was watching Once Upon A Time. Does anyone of you know that show?

I'm only at season 2, so please don't spoil me guys. The reason I began to watch it was because I heard Frozen was in it, so that's the only thing I know. Until now I'm really enjoying it.

But I'm feeling a little bit down right now, because I found a leaked out song for How To Train Your Dragon 3. I heard it while reading 'The Saviour' from SecrectlyNerd. You should really check her story's out, she's amazing! But back to the song, I don't want to spoil you guys about, because the title itself will make you upset. Seriously, you will be heartbroken by it, or at least I was, so if you don't like to have that feeling until the released date of HTTYD 3, then I really don't recommend listening to this song. But if you do want to know, you can find it on YouTube if you type 'how to train your dragon John Powell' and then the first one. I'm curious to know what you guys think about it.

Anyway, hope I didn't reunited your day because of that song, and if so, I'm sorry.

Ciao, HiccstridXJelsa.

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