Chapter 3: Waking Up

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Astrid's POV

It was dark around me. That is the only thing I know. I can't feel anything. I'm scared. I can't move. The only thing I could do was stare into the endless blackness. Then I heard whispers from above. I tried to listen to what they were saying, but it didn't matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hear what they were saying. And the I felt that I was dragged into the darkness again


When I opened my eyes again, the darkness was gone. Instead, I was in my own sleeping room. For a second, I couldn't remember what had happened. Then the memories hit me with the impact of a train, and I saw all the pictures flashing before me eyes. The Changewings coming out of nowhere, Stormfly, trying to get away, and then... nothing. Only darkness. I tried to sit up, and while I did, pain spread across my ribs. I had to bite my lip to not scream it out. I sat there a few seconds before I got up on my feet. Somebody had put me in an old, white sleeping dress. The pain by my ribs became worse, but I ignored it. When I was 2 meter away from the door, it suddenly swung open. In the doorstep stood Ruffnutt. She had a plate whit food in her hands. When she saw me, she dropped the plate and pulled me in a tied hug.

"Ow Astrid. We were so worried about you. I'm so happy you've woken up."

"Ruffnutt, my ribs are hurting." I squeed.

"Oh, sorry." She released me and took a step back. When she saw the maze she had maked, she burst sd into an endless wordstream:

"ohastrisi'msosorrythatihavedropedyourfoodyoumustbeveryhungry." I couldn't hear what she was saying but it was probably about the food.

"Calm down Ruffnutt, it doesn't matter. I'm not really hungry anyway."I saw that she relaxed after that.

"Okay, thanks. How do you feel?" She asked.

"I'm feeling okay, besides that pain by my ribs."

"Oh, that I because when you fell, you broke your rib. It will heal very fast. You shouldn't be ably to feel it in a few days." A few days. But doesn't it take very long for a bone to heal? If so, how long have I been out then?

"Ruff, how long have I been out?" She then looked at a spot behind me, what gave her away. I went standing in front of her gaze.

"Ruff, how long have I been out?" I asked again more, a little bit angry now. She sighed before she answered.

"You've been out for 2 weeks."


I know what you're guys are thinking. Have I waited this long for such a short chapter. I'm going to explain why. I had this week a math and French test, my 2 subjects who are the most difficult for me. It was my sisters birthday last Friday, and she had her party on Sunday. And on Saturday, I helped for a charity. I will update a next chapter as soon as possible, and there will be some Hiccstrid in it. Oops, I have said to much. See you next time.

XXX HiccstrisXJelsa

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