Chapter 4: Saying The Words

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Astrid's POV

It took me a moment before I realised what her words meant.

"Tw..two weeks?" I stuttered. Ruffnutt nodded, an then looked at the ground.

2 weeks. While the words echoed in my mind, my legs couldn't hold me anymore. I felt to the ground and I saw black at the edges of my sight. I felt Ruffnutt's hands holding me by my shoulders, so my head wouldn't smash on the floor. I heard a voice in my head saying: "Just close your eyes." If I would just close my eyes for a few seconds... No, I'm not going to sleep again. I've already slept long enough. I tore Ruffnutt's hands of me and got up off my knees. I held the wall for support. When I was sure that I wouldn't pass out by the next step I took, I let go of the wall and took a step. I took it again, and again. With every step the pain in my head became a little bit worse, but I didn't mind it. It was nice to walk again. When I was sure that if I would continue walking, I would pass out, and I walked over to the bed. I sat down and Ruffnutt came sit beside me. I tried to put all the pieces together, but something wasn't just right.

"What happened after I passed out? Because I wouldn't have just broken a rib if I had fall from that high." I asked while looking in her eyes.

"Ahh, I was already wondering when you were going to ask that." She looked outside the window, took a deep breathe and started her story:

"Okay, I don't really know how to start, so I just start from the moment you flew of with Stormfly. In the beginning, everything was fine, but the next moment you were surrounded by Changewings. Hiccup immediately jumped on Toothless, and flew of to help you. He was almost there when you fell." She looked at me with sad eyes and continued her story:

"We got scared. You were falling with your head down. At the moment itself, I didn't got why it was that bad, but later I got it." I didn't knew what she mend, but then it hit me. If I had fallen with my head first in the water, I would have ended up being paralysed, or worse...

"But, how come that I didn't fall into the water?" I asked.

"Well, you did." She answered. I frowned. But how then..?

"You know what? Just tell me what happened."

"Gladly.' Ruffnutt said before telling the rest of the story.

"So, when Hiccup saw you falling, he jumped of Toothless, putted on his flight suit, and dived after you. He forgot to put on Toothless' automatic tail. Toothless could still glide on the air, so he landed on a stack." I exhaled. I was already scared that Toothless had fallen into the water.

"After Hiccup jumped of Toothless, he flight to the spot were you was falling. He then let himself fell after you. He caught 20 meters above the sea, and you fell both into the water." I thought the story was done, but the look on Ruffnutt's face told me that it wasn't.

"What happened after that?" I asked Ruffnutt.

"Hookfang helped Stormfly with the Changwings, Fishlegs putted on Toothless' automatic tail, and me and Tuffnutt divided in the water, Tuffnutt after Hiccup and I dived after you. You two were both unconscious. We got up on our dragons and flew to the stack. We tried to wake you guys up, but nothing worked. When Fishlegs came back with Toothless, Toothless began to lick Hiccup and then he woke up. When he tried to move, an expression came on his face, telling that he was hurt. He tried to sit up, but failed and passed out. Luckily, the boys could catch him in time. We flew back to Berk, and went straight to Gothi. When she saw us with you two, she told us to lay you guys down on the beds. First she looked at Hiccup, and found out that he had landed on an rock. There was a wound at his lower back, what was probably the reason for the pain. It was about 5 centimetres wide, but luckily not that deep. She disinfected the wound, and then looked at you. The wing had hit you very hard, and you were in a coma. We brought you to your house, and Valka took care of you. The next day Hiccup woke up and he picked up being the chief, but Gobber still did the things that Hiccup couldn't do, because of his wound." She was finally done with her story. The whole time I've listened breathless to her. By some parts I wanted to speak, but I remained quiet. I thought that she was done with her story, but then she got a big smile on her face and said:

"And when Hiccup was done doing chief business, he would sit the whole evening beside you."

"Really?!" I couldn't believe it, why would he do that? It's not like are boyfriend and girlfriend or something. But then a memory came up in my mind. Right before the training started, he wanted to ask me something. What if..? The next moment I was running outside the door, leaving a amazed Ruffnutt behind. My head hurt with every step I took, but I didn't care. It was already evening, but the Vikings were still outside. When I passed them by, they gave me a look what was in the middle between: 'Yeah, Astrid's back!' and 'Why is she running for her life?'. I ignored the glances and ran as fast as I could to my destination. When I finally got there, I took a moment to catch my breath and then knocked at the door of Hiccup's house. Valka opened the door, and when she saw me she pulled me in a tight hug.

"Oh, Astrid, I'm so glad you've woken up. Hiccup has missed you so much, he wasn't himself anymore." Wow, that was new. It gave me butterflies in my stomach, although I couldn't say why. I hugged Valka back.

"Thank you Valka." We released each other. "I've heard that you were the one who had taken care of me while I was out?"

"Oh, it was nothing." She said. "Why don't you come in, then I get Hiccup for you." I nodded and walked through the door. I looked around and as every time that I come here, I was amazed at how nice everything was here.

"Just sit down, then I will get Hiccup for you." She said and then walked up the stairs. I sat down on the stair near the fire. After a minute Valka's head came around the corner.

"You can come up, he's waiting for you." I walked up the stairs and saw Hiccup sitting on his bed.

"I'll let you two alone." Valka said, turning around and walking of the stairs. Then we were alone.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." He said back. Well, this is going to be awkward.

"How is your wound?" I asked him.

"Really annoying, I can't do the thing I normally do. But it is healing good, so I should be able to do everything again soon. How is your head?" He asked me.

"It's like there is a man banging with a hammer inside my head. But beside that and my rib, it's okay"

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Why are you apologizing. It isn't your fault."

"It is. If I had catch you in time, you wouldn't had those wounds. It is my fault, I'm sorry." I walked over to him and made him look me in the eyes.

"If you hadn't catch me, my injuries would be far worse. You did something great, and I'm really glad you did."

He laughed. "I wouldn't had survived it if you were more hurt." At first, I didn't know if what I heard was right, but when I looked him in the eye, I know that he had said it. I gave him a questioned look, and he laughed.

"Did you really think that I was kidding? I mean it. I wouldn't survive it if you would get hurt. I love you." I didn't have to think about the next words, they just rolled out of my mouth:

"I love you too."


Yeah, I finally updated. Hope you like it. Comment and Vote pleaz.


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