Chapter 8: Memories and Love

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Astrid's POV
After we dried up, we walked back to the village. I took his hand in mine, and he didn't complained. When we walked through the village, people were starring at us, some with a look that said: 'huh, didn't expect that to happen', but most with a look like: 'Well, that was about time.' When I saw the people starring, I could only feel proud to walk next to Hiccup. Better yet, to be his girlfriend. I looked from the corner of my eye to Hiccup's face, and memories filled my mind. Not only from today, but also from the past few years. The times when he was only 15 years old, till the man he was now. A lot of happy memories, but also the bad ones. The time when he battled the red death was the worst one, and the few moments that I thought he was death. It might have been only a few moments, but I don't ever want to feel like that ever again.
"What's wrong, my lady?" A voice interrupts my thoughts. I looked at him, and said:
"Nothing, I was just thinking of all the things we went through." He got a confused look on his face. "But why do you look so sad then?"
I sighed. I really didn't want to talk about this right now, but I also didn't want to hide something for him, so I told him. When I was done, we were standing in front of y door, and the suddenly he took both my of hands in his and said:
"Don't worry about me. I love you, and there's nothing I this whole world that will stop me from being with you. I will never leave you, I promise." When he was done, I was close to tears. But I was till 'fearless' Astrid Hofferson, and I promised myself after my parents died that I will never cry again. I released my hands and wrapped my arms around his torso. He did the same, and we stood there for a few moments, until I said:
"I love you."
He kissed the top of my head.
"Love you more."
I had spend the rest of the day by myself, since Hiccup had to do chiefing bussiness. From what I heard, it had something to do with Snotlout being stuck in a roof after he had fallen of Hookfang. Honestly, it didn't suprise me anymore. I didn't do much that afternoon, just practicing my skills by trowing my axe, and flying with Stormfly. When I came back to my house, I was surprised to find a note stuck on my door, which said:
Hey, my gorgeous girlfriend,
When you read this, come to my house. I've got a suprise.
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III
I smiled. And then laugh at myself. I'm getting butterflies in my stomach, just because of a note? What has happened to me?
I walk over to Hiccup's house, and then knock on the door. I could hear the footsteps on the other die of the door. Well, better say footstep, and then a metal cluck. Crazy enough, I liked it. Wherever I got, I could always recognise his footsteps. He hated it though, because I could always hear him coming when he tries to sneak up on me.
My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened, revealing a smiling Hiccup with a smile on his face. When he saw me, he said:
"Ah, there you are. I was already wondering when you were going to show up. Come inside." He stepped out of the way, so I could come in. I walked inside, and like always when I was in this house, I was stunned at how big and nice everything looked. The chief and his family live in the biggest house on Berk, close to the square of Berk. The house is build on a little hill, so you could look over the whole village and sea. Inside it was even more impressive. When you walk through the door, you come into the living room, where where a fire was burning and a few chairs surrounding it. Well chair, more like woodblocks. Behind the living room was I guess a fire, although I have never been ther, but there was nowhere else it could be. But unlike all the other times when I've been here, there was a table set in the middle of the room, made up to eat on it. It looked so nice I was abrupt speeachless.
"Do you like it?" Hiccup asked beside me. I still hadn't found my voice, so I nodded instead. I sat down, while Hiccup started cooking the meal. It didn't took long until a familiar scent cached my nose. Before I could comment on it, Hiccup said:
"Toothless an I cached the fish this morning. I've used some species from my mother, and I've picked the vegetables this morning." After a few minutes, the food was done. I tasted the fish, and my eyes went wide.
"Oh my Thor Hiccup, this taste amazing!" A smile crept across his face.
"I'm glad you like it." The rest of the meal we spent talking about a lot of things. After we were done eating, we until the middle of the night, and after that we went to bed. At first I was a little bit nervous to sleep together with him, but that quickly disappeared when I laid down beside him. Until then I hadn't notice how tired I actually was. Soon I could no longer keep my eyes open.
"I love you." I whispered to Hiccup. He kissed the top of my head.
"I love you too." He said, right before I fell asleep in his arms.
Hey, I'm back! And before you guys ask, no I've not been dead. But I hope you like this chapter, and please don't hate me. I've got a question for you guys. It took me so long to updat, because I wasn't sure what to write for this chapter. I'm still gonna use my own idea for this book, but first, I need some action to take place. And that's where you guys come in. Yes, I'm talking to you. If you have any idea what can happen next, send me a private message, and if it's good, I will use it in my book.
See you next time! (Hopefully faster that's the last time I said that :)
Luv u all!

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