New Case

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"C'mon, Spence! You're telling me you've never seen Twilight!?"

"I generally view foreign films in my leisure time" Spencer muttered. 

"It's on, Twilight Saga marathon coming soon". You loved introducing Spencer to your guilty pleasure movies. 

Over the past year at the BAU, Spencer had become your best friend. But lately, you were finding it increasingly difficult to focus on work. The cases you worked were emotionally draining, and the long hours and constant travel left you physically exhausted. There was something oddly energizing about Spencer Reid. Being around Spencer made you feel like you were in high school again, trying on different outfits and spending extra time on your hair in the mornings. 

JJ tapped you on the shoulder, bringing you back to reality. "Caroline, Spencer, we've got a new case. Conference room in 5."

"Want me to grab us some coffee?" you asked. 

"Only if you remember to put enough sugar in this time!" Spencer said with a smile. 

As you walked by, Spencer caught a whiff of your intoxicatingly sweet perfume. He noticed the new scent, and contemplated making a remark, deciding otherwise. 

You felt Spencer's eyes on you as you walked towards the kitchen. You turned back to Spencer and he quickly diverted his gaze. You wondered if something was off between the two of you, but a part of you secretly hoped he might be having the same sort of feelings...

After making two cups of coffee, you headed into the conference room. Spencer patted his hand into the seat directly to his left, motioning you towards the seat he had saved for you. Hotch and JJ began their presentation of this week's case. The team was headed to Jackson Hole, Wyoming to investigate a series of murder-rape cases. Over the past month, three teen girls had gone missing in this tourist ski town. 

The images of the victims were particularly gruesome, and Spencer gently touched your leg to comfort you. The shock of seeing victim photos never had quite gone away for you, as it had for most of the BAU members. Seeing these images of other young women gave you nightmares and made you too scared to sleep alone in your apartment. You finally opened up to Spencer about it a few months ago. At his suggestion, you had started seeing a therapist to learn compartmentalize the emotionally taxing work you did. Studying psychology in college, you always though that you would find a quiet office job see patients. Now you find yourself psychoanalyzing every action of cold-blooded killers.

For a while, you weren't sure how long you would be able to last in the BAU. But spending time with Spence made it all worth it. You loved the best friend dynamic that the two of you had, although you couldn't stop yourself from wondering what it would be like to spend a night with Reid. 

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