A Knock on the Door

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A few minutes after getting the group text from Hotch about the fog, you decided to message Spencer.

"Hey Spence. Did you see we're stuck here overnight? Want to finish that movie?" You stared at the screen for a few moments before pressing send, wondering if you sounded clingy or desperate. It was impossible not to overthink your message to him after that little kiss.

You started mindlessly scrolling through social media, looking at everyone's New Year's posts. It was hard not to be a little jealous of your old college friends who weren't stranded in Wyoming tonight. But you had the best job, it was worth it. And it could be fun to spend a quiet night with Spencer. In fact, you'd really rather spend the night cuddled up in bed with him than out at a club dealing with desperate guys. You hoped that Spencer wanted that too. 

JJ calls, letting you know she and Morgan are going to find somewhere local to watch the ball drop later. "I desperately need a drink and if Morgan doesn't find someone to kiss at midnight, we'll be hearing about it until next New Year's. You in, Pierce?".

You contemplated accepting her invitation. It had been almost 30 minutes since you texted Spencer and over an hour since he left your room. Was he avoiding you? Should you go out with JJ and get your mind off of this situation? Things with Spencer were consuming your every thought. 

"Ugh. You know I would JJ, but it's been a long day. I'm pretty beat. I don't know how you have energy for this after skiing!" you replied.

"Oh, right. I know you got pretty shaken up. It was a rough case and it's no fun being bait. I'll be out late, but text me if you need anything. Hey Care, you should call Spencer! I'm sure he'd hang with you. Maybe you shouldn't be alone".

"Yeah...maybe I will. Night J, have fun." you said as you clicked off. 

Apparently the whole team heard about your little breakdown in the bathtub. Great job, Caroline. And where the hell was Spencer? You weren't sure if you should be worried about him or pissed that he was ignoring you. 

Whatever. You turned on the coverage of Times Square, judging everyone who stood out in the freezing cold for hours, just get a shot at being on TV. It seemed stupid to you. But then again, they were probably having more fun than you. The TV people were laughing, singing, and were surrounding by their loved ones. It was only 8:00, but you shut your eyes, hoping to wake up to a new year. 

Not too long after you fell asleep, you hear a hard knock on the door. By the time you open your eyes, you see Spencer sneaking in the door with his arms holding a few large paper bags. You sit straight up.

"How'd you get in?" you asked harshly.

"You gave me an extra key this morning. You didn't answer when I knocked, so I thought you might be in the shower or something. But it looks like I woke you, I'm sorry." Spencer tried to study you, to figure out if you wanted him there. 

"Well why didn't you answer me! It had been two hours. I was getting worried. Where have you been?" Yikes, too much Caroline... tone it down. you thought to yourself. 

"The resort gift shop didn't have Oreos. You always want Oreos, I figured you could use a pick-me-up after today. And Uber is pretty busy tonight." Spencer said coolly. 

You realize that he must have walked to the nearest grocery store. In this freezing weather. Gosh, what did you do to deserve this?

He walked over to the second bed in the room, where he had slept last night, and sat down. "I brought my bags over, but I can go back to my room if you wanted some time alone?" Spencer asked. 

You can tell you'd hurt his feelings by being so harsh. "No Spence, I'm sorry. I had just started to worry. Come here.", you scooted over and motioned to the available space next to you.

Spencer stood up, glanced down at you, and started rummaging through the grocery bags.  "Close your eyes!" he told you.

You complied, and heard packages ripping open. A minute later, you felt an Oreo cookie being stuffed between your lips and busted out laughing. "Keep them closed, Pierce!". 

Okay, this was adorable. Totally worth being stranded in Wyoming. 

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