Bunny Slopes

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"Hey Care, are you okay?" Spencer asked.

"I'm good Spencer, promise." you replied. You were nervous about going undercover for the first time, but it was a good kind of nervous. You were just excited to play a valuable role on the team. 

You and JJ were getting equipped with mics and Hotch was quickly giving out instructions. "When you make contact with the unsub, be sure to emasculate him in some way. If you humiliate him, he will feel the need to target you and he'll walk right into the trap we'll have waiting for him."

The story was that you and JJ were two college students on break from USC. You were going to interact with the employees and try to identify the potential unsub. Hotch seemed to think that you'd know who the unsub was as soon as you got him talking.

If your ploy worked and he tried to track you down, it would lead to an arrest. JJ opened the door and you walked into the ski shop. It was a large store, but it felt odd knowing  you were likely in the same building as the unsub, and you felt a visceral response in your stomach. You tried to remind yourself that there were undercover cops surrounding the building too.

Almost immediately, a smiling young man, maybe 19, came up to you and JJ saying "Welcome in. How can I help you guys today?" Definitely not a suspect. 

"Oh, we were just looking to get geared up and hit the slopes. There's no snow in California..." JJ said. 

"Oh wow, where in Cali!?" the  employee asked as he took you over to the helmets. 

"We're on break from USC. Taking a girls' trip!" you replied. You see another man, this one slightly older, come from behind the sales desk and approach you. You and JJ exchange a glance. 

"Hey kiddo, how about you go work the register and let me take care of these beautiful ladies?" the man asked. But he wasn't asking, he was telling. The friendly employee seemed to know that his coworker had made his mind up and walked over the the register, sulking. The man began fitting you for snow shoes and you could tell he was mentally undressing you. 

"Jennifer, what do you say we just stick to the bunny slopes today?" Bunny slopes was your code word for when you made contact with the unsub. You were confident, and JJ nodded slightly in agreement. 

"Sounds like a plan to me. We'll have to unwind in the hot tub later, too." JJ replied. JJ looked to the employee, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name? Do you have any favorite trails for beginners?" Geez, she was laying it on thick. You hoped it was just enough, trusting JJ's experitise. 

"It's Tim." he said with a smirk. It was working. "Take the lift to your right and get off on the first hill."

"Thank you, Tim" you and JJ said in unison. You hear Hotch and Garcia firing off in your earpiece. 

"I've got him, it's Timothy Roberts." Penelope stammered. 

By this time, you and JJ had been outfitted with your gear. Roberts motioned for you two to follow him to the sales desk. "Alright ladies, I just need your room number to bill the ski rentals. It's $40 per day." 

You gave him your room numbers and he looked puzzled. "You two aren't staying together?" he asked. 

"Umm we booked separately in case we, you know, met someone, on this trip." JJ giggled. You thought she was getting a little too bold but reminded yourself that JJ knew what she was doing. You would need to humiliate him somehow to guarantee that Roberts would come after you. 

"That's about all from me. Unless one of  you beautiful ladies wanted to leave me your phone number. I'll make sure you don't get lonely in those rooms." Tim said. 

You laughed. "Get a load of this guy, Jennifer! I can't believe he thought he had a shot with us." It was fun to act like the high school mean girl.  

"As if! He's gross." JJ looked back and whispered into her mic, "I think that did the trick."

You could feel the rage through Tim's stare and knew he would have to come after you. JJ motioned to the ski lift and you guys went down the first hill to make sure the act was believable. The two of you headed back to the conference room, proud of your performance. 

"Roberts' shift ends at 5:00" Hotch said. "We don't know which one of you he'll be after, but we are going to send agents to both of your rooms and stake them out. He has your room numbers and knows you'll be alone. I'm sure he'll move quickly. Great work JJ and Caroline." You felt the knot in your stomach again. 

It was 3:45 now. Spencer came up behind you and grabbed your shoulders. "You killed that, Care." he whispered, making you feel warm and tingly. 

"Let's try to catch this guy in time to get back to Virginia before midnight. I have some ladies that will be very disappointed if the don't get their New Year's kiss." Morgan said. 

"Multiple ladies?" Rossi said with a raised eyebrow. Morgan winked.

"Let me call Penelope and see if she'll go out with us tonight, Caroline! I told Will I wouldn't be back until tomorrow at the earliest, so I'm off the hook." JJ said excitedly. You could tell she needed a night out.

"That sounds fun JJ. I'll be there. You can come by and borrow a dress if you need to!" You had honestly forgotten that it was New Year's Eve. Spencer was acting as if he wasn't curious about your girl's night, but you needed to make friends with other people on the team besides Spencer- even if you really wanted to ring in the new year with him. Damn, the clock striking midnight would have been a perfect excuse to finally kiss Spencer...

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