Two Agents in a Hotel Bathtub

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Roberts had collapsed right as he cut through the door bolt. A SWAT team member had shot him in the hip. A debilitating injury, but not a fatal one. Spencer apprehended the unsub and Rossi ran into the hotel room with his gun still drawn. "Where's Pierce?" he questioned. Spencer nodded towards the bathroom door. 

"Caroline, it's Dave. I'm coming in." When the knob didn't turn, Rossi bodied his way through the door. He saw you sitting on the floor of the shower, tears rolling down your face. 

"Poor door..." you muttered. "I could have unlocked it, you know."

Rossi laughed. "Sometimes I can't help myself, it's one of the few perks of the job. Listen, everything's fine. We've got him. It's okay, kiddo. Do you want some help up?"

"Um, I need just another second." you replied, embarassed. 

Rossi nodded with a smile and left the bathroom to see that Roberts was being wheeled out by EMTs and the Wyoming State Police.  You heard him say to Spencer "You might need to go talk to Pierce. She's is a little shaken up in there." Damn it, you thought. This was certainly not going to improve Rossi's confidence in you. 

You wanted to get up and prove to everyone that you were fine. That you could handle these situations. That you belonged in the BAU. However, you found yourself unable to budge from the corner of the hotel shower. That was kind of grimy now that you thought about it. The tears kept coming and you had to surrender them.

The door to the hotel room shut with a thud. The rest of the team must be gone, the commotion was over. Your phone vibrated and you saw a text from Hotch reading "Good work team. Meet on the jet at 7." 

Morgan responded "Remember, I'll have some very heartbroken ladies if I'm not in the club before midnight."

You started to think the plans you had made for the night with JJ and Garcia. Hopefully a night out and a couple cocktails would get your mind off of this day. You wiped away a tear and started to text Penelope about borrowing some heels. 

Suddenly, you saw Spencer's head peek into the small bathroom. Fuck, this was all so embarrassing. He pointed to the tub and asked "May I?". 

You nodded and Spencer stepped into the shower with you, sitting up on his knees. You suppressed a giggle, this bathtub was nowhere near large enough for both of you. "Caroline. You know I was never going to let that man touch you right?" Spencer asked, as his thumb brushed a tear off of your cheek. 

"I know Spence. But for a split second, when I heard the gun shot, I thought he had shot you. I can't lose you. I can't do this job without you. You're my best friend." you said, leaning into his embrace. 

Spencer rubbed his hand in a circular motion on your back and you calmed down after about a minute. Once he felt your breathing slow, Spencer spoke. "Are you okay enough that we can get out of this bathtub now? I don't know if you've noticed, but it's quite filthy.". You laughed and Spencer stood up, then reached down and grabbed you under the arms to pull you up as well. He was so gentle and quick that it felt like you had floated into a standing position. He was stronger than he looked.

Spencer looked down at his watch. "We've got about 45 minutes before we need to be on the plane. Do you want to get changed and grab a snack?".

As soon as he mentioned food, your stomach growled as if on cue. "I guess so" you remarked. Spencer laughed. You reached into your duffel and pulled out a pair of grey joggers and a comfy crew neck sweatshirt. 

Spencer walked over, placed his hands on your shoulders, and kissed the top of your head. "I'll go get my bags, grab us something to eat, and get back here to walk you back to the plane." Before you could even open your mouth to say something, Spencer walked out the door.

Damn it Spencer, you thought. Did he just do that to make you feel better? Or was that a real kiss? Like a wanting to get out of the friend zone kiss... it felt like your heart was going to beat out of chest. You wanted to ask Spencer, but you also weren't quite sure that you could handle the truth if Spencer didn't have feelings for you. 

As you changed out of your work clothes and into the more casual outfit, you daydreamed about how good a real kiss from Spencer must feel. You laid on the bed and shut your eyes, reliving the past few minutes. Trying to feel each of Spencer's touches all over again. Your fantasy was rudely interrupted by a buzzing phone. 

Snowed in with SpencerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang