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The BAU had just over an hour to set up a trap to catch Roberts before his shift ended. He had the room numbers of both you and JJ, but the team wasn't sure who he would be after. 

"I want Jareau and Pierce back in their rooms now. Another agent will be by their sides at all times, are we understood?" Hotch was pacing the room as he handed out orders. He always got very serious as the case intensified. Hotch assigned Reid and Morgan to stay in the rooms with you and JJ while he and Rossi would each lead a team of police ready to catch the unsub.

"My room is near Pierce's. I'll keep an eye on her." Morgan said. 

"Hey, there's actually something I want to talk to Pierce about. Mind if I go with Caroline instead?" Reid asked.

"Sure."  Morgan nodded. 

Holy shit. What could Spencer want to talk about? You tried not to get excited at the possibility of Spencer making a move. "Focus, Caroline" you muttered to yourself. 

Morgan and Reid were outfitted with headsets and you all were sent to the hotel rooms to wait. By the time you and Reid got back to the room, there were only 20 minutes until Roberts was off of work. 

Spencer was acting anxious in the room, biting his lip and messing with his hair. You couldn't tell if he was worried about the case or if he might be trying to have that talk with you that he had mentioned to Derek. You shot Morgan a text while Spencer was looking out the window, asking if he knew what Spencer might want to talk about. "No idea, baby girl. Maybe boy genius is in love?  ;)?" he replied quickly. Ugh, you wondered if Morgan really thought Spencer had feelings for you or was just teasing. 

You decide to bring it up. "Hey Spence, what was it that you needed to talk about?" 

"Nothing important, We'll talk later, okay?" he asked. 

"Just get it over with Spencer. What's going on?" You were tired of the suspense. He almost seemed mad. Did he recognize your feelings for him and want to tell you that he just wasn't interested in you?

"Caroline, I don't mean to freak you out, but Roberts just left work. Please let me make sure you stay safe. I can't think straight if you're in danger." Spencer blurted out quickly. 

You were honestly glad that you weren't wearing a headset. Hotch thought it would be best to let Reid and Morgan handle any updates, and he was right. It would be too nerve-wracking if you had to hear every move of Roberts hunting you down. 

"Sorry Spencer, you're right." Even though you were confident that the team would take down Roberts, you were selfishly hoping that the unsub would target JJ. It felt awful being a sitting duck. You tried to distract yourself by thinking about your New Year's Eve plans with JJ and Penelope, mentally preparing an outfit and hairstyle. But you caught yourself admiring Spencer. His thin, but sculpted body. The way that he pushed his hair back. 

The deafening silence allows you to hear Hotch's voice in Spencer's ear. "Reid, we have eyes on Roberts headed towards Pierce's room. We have a team standing by." 

"Copy that." Reid replied. Not knowing that you heard, Spencer looked to you and calmly told you that Roberts was headed in your direction. 

You nodded and swallowed. God, you were nervous. You wanted to tell Spencer that you were freaking out, he was always so good at calming you down. But you didn't want to distract him or make him worry unnecessarily. He didn't need the additional burden of calming you down. 

"Caroline, turn on the TV so Roberts won't be able to hear me in here if I need to talk to you." You reach for the remote and a sports talkshow comes on. You don't bother to change it, but set the volume so that it's low enough that Spencer can hear what's going on outside.  

Spencer is informed that the unsub is approaching the stairs and is armed. A second later, Hotch radios in again. "Reid, it looks like the unsub has bolt cutter and might be pulling out a master key. We'll fire if need be, but be prepared." With the TV on, you couldn't hear the headset. But Spencer's face gave you the feeling that it wasn't good news. 

"Caroline, go get in the bathroom and lock the door. " Spencer said to you under his breath, with a look in his eyes that you'd never seen before. It was a combination of fear and fury. "Hurry." he whispered. 

You get up  and close the bathroom door as quietly as possible. You fingers tremble as you twist the tiny lock into place. The flimsy lock wasn't going to do much if Roberts got in here. You then decided to hide in the shower, behind the curtain. It felt like a coward move, but you gave in. 

You hear a knock on the door. Instantly, you recognize Roberts' voice but you couldn't make out what he was saying. 

But Spencer could hear every word. "You little bitch, you humiliated me. You'll never make that mistake again. After I'm done with you, we'll go find your pretty little friend, Jennifer." Roberts taunted as he unlocked the door with the key card. Roberts then began to fidget with the bolt cutters.

"Fuck." Spencer thought. "Did I just let my feelings for Caroline compromise her safety? Derek really is the better agent, he's stronger, and the better shot." Spencer couldn't help feeling like he had let you down. He stood a few feet away from the door with his gun drawn, ready to shoot Roberts before he would be able to get to you. 

You sat on the shower floor, holding your breath. Suddenly, you heard a loud gunshot and a thud right inside of the doorway. Tears start to roll down your face uncontrollably and you grab your handgun, not sure if Roberts might be coming into the bathroom to look for you. Even though you were fearing for your own life, most of your thoughts were occupied with worry for Reid.

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