Pizza Night

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You pause for a moment, wondering if Derek forgot something, or if it might be a resort employee. The knocking intensifies and it startles you. You turn off the water and wrap a towel around your body. You creep towards the door, only to hear Spencer's voice say "Caroline, I'm freezing out here!". Peeking into the peephole, you see Spencer with a puffy coat and a pizza box. You quickly unlatch the deadbolt and open the door. 

"God, Spence you terrified me. What are you doing here so late???"

"I thought you'd be hungry. And you promised to teach me about the cultural impact of Twilight." Spencer said as he opened the door.

It had become your private tradition to eat takeout and watch a movie together while on the road. But usually when the team arrived late, you would go straight to bed. And Spencer usually texted you before coming.  You couldn't tell if Spencer really wanted to spend time with you, or if he just knew you were worried about being alone. 

Spencer eyed you up and down and you suddenly realize that you were haphazardly wrapped in a tiny hotel towel with Spencer Reid standing right in front of you. 

"Spence, I still have shampoo in my hair" you yelled while getting back into the shower. 

"That's fine, Caroline. I'll get Netflix opened up on your laptop."

You finish washing your hair and realize that you didn't bring a razor into the shower with you. 15 minutes ago, there was no reason to, but you suddenly wanted to shave every inch of your body. It felt weird to ask Spencer to bring you the razor from your bag. You instead ask him to bring you something to change into. 

"Movie is ready and clothes are on the counter, Care". You cut the water off and notice that Spencer had brought you a pair of tiny sleep shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top. The thin tank top you packed to wear underneath your button up work blouse. And without a bra, your nipples were definitely going to poke through. 

You had been craving a cozy night with Spencer, but were suddenly self-conscious and nervous as you walked over to the bed. 

Spencer couldn't help but stare. He knew you probably wanted the oversized college t-shirt that you usually wore to bed, but part of him wanted to see your subtle curves. He decided to play dumb and hope that you would wear what he picked out. 

Was Spencer looking at your breasts? You thought he was, but Spencer had never made a move towards you before. You couldn't decide if he was checking you out, and by the time you went to make eye contact, he was opening the pizza box. He handed you a slice and played the movie. 

Even if nothing more happened that night, you were excited to share your favorite guilty pleasure movie with Spencer. You always thought he would judge you for watching cheesy movies, but he at least pretended to enjoy them.

The two of you had the pillows propped up and your head gently rested on Spencer's shoulder as the movie started. You didn't normally get this close to each other in bed, but you were tired and it felt right. Almost immediately, you started to drift to sleep. Spencer debated getting you a throw blanket, you looked cold. But he could see the imprint of your breasts through the tank top and the top hugged the outline of your waist. He had imagined so many times what you looked like underneath the work clothes and big t-shirts.  He sat mesmerized by your body and fought urges to hop on top of you and passionately kiss you. 

Spencer tried to put the half eaten pizza on the other bed so he could get his legs closer to yours, but the movement woke you up. 

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry Spence. I must have fallen asleep."

"You did, 37 minutes ago." Spencer replied. "I figured you wouldn't want me to watch without you and turned on a documentary. Do you want to finish tomorrow?" 

"Yeah, of course. I'm really sorry, I've been so tired lately" you explained. 

"It's fine Caroline, I'm glad you were able to sleep." Spencer said as he packed up your computer. "I'll see you first thing in the morning, okay? Please make sure you lock the deadbolt behind me" Spencer approached the doorway and grabbed his coat. 

"Wait. Spence, can you stay with me?" 

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