Stay With Me

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"Spence, will you stay with me?"

"Yeah, of course Caroline. I'm sorry, I didn't think that you would want me to sleep here. "

"I mean, if the unsub really is a resort employee, he probably has a master-key right? Maybe it would be safer if you stayed here, just for tonight." You prayed that Spencer couldn't call your bluff. Sure, the unsub was out there, but you'd be fine with the deadbolt on. 

"Oh yeah, sure. Um, where exactly did you want me to sleep?" Spencer asked, still standing near the door.

You so desperately wanted him to crawl under the covers with you, but didn't want to make things awkward. "Wherever you're comfortable, Spence."

"I'll sleep here", Spencer said as he motioned to the second of the two beds. "I want to make sure you get your sleep, we've got a big day tomorrow."

You tried not to act disappointed, and said goodnight. As you pulled the sheet over your body and turned away, you could hear Spencer taking off his pants and you desperately to sneak a peek. This was torture.

Spencer began to question himself. Did she want me to sleep in bed with her? He didn't think he would be able to keep himself from pulling you close and rubbing his hands along your body if he were to get in bed with you. So he got into the second bed, silently wondering when he would ever confess his feelings for you and admired the outline of your curves, which were emphasized by the white sheet wrapped tightly around you. 

Spencer knew that he was in love with you. But he didn't know if you felt the same way and couldn't risk losing your friendship. He had never had a traditional relationship and wasn't even sure how to navigate starting one. All Spencer wanted was you to be his. 

As your best friend, Spencer had become privy to the details of your dating life. Tinder dates, coffee with co-workers from Quantico, and hook ups with old college flings. Nothing ever lasted for more than a few weeks, but Spencer was envious of every guys that you went out with. Spencer longed to be the guy that took you home and spent the night loving you. He continued to brainstorm how he might communicate his feelings for you until he fell asleep. 


The alarm came quickly in the morning, and Spencer went to wake you up. He began calling your name, with no success. Since you were easily startled, Spencer sat on the edge of your bed and began to run his fingers through your wavy auburn hair, trying to gently wake you. His gesture had the opposite effect, and you backed yourself into Spencer in your sleep. He swallowed abruptly at the shock from this. 

"God, this feels better than I ever imagined" Spencer thought to himself. Your cheeks were poking out of the tiny sleep shorts you were wearing and Spencer could feel your ass pressed against him. Wanting so badly to caress you, Spencer let out a deep, frustrated sigh. He looked down at his growing bulge and had to walk away to compose himself. "Why does she have to be so fucking hot without even trying?" he wondered.

A few minutes later, after Spencer had collected himself, he circled back and shook you gently until you woke up. "Hey Care, it's 7:00. I'm gonna go shower and get dressed. Do you want anything for breakfast?"

It was nice being woken up by Spencer. It felt so good to be staring into his eyes first thing in the morning.  "Oh shoot, we're meeting at 8. Sure, do you want to bring coffee and bagels to the meeting room?" you asked.

"I'll be quick and bring it back here so I can walk with you to the meeting room, I still don't like you alone on the resort, the unsub could be anywhere." Spencer said as he gathered his coat. 

You threw him the extra key to the room and asked for a latte with a double shot. "Be back soon" Spencer replied. 

As soon as Spencer left, you found yourself wondering how you could get him to spend the night again. You slept so soundly when he was in bed with you during the movie. Spencer made you feel comfortable and safe. Despite that, you felt nervous to make a move. You typically were a pretty carefree flirt and enjoyed being the one to make advances. But your feelings for Spencer were so different from anything that you felt before. This was not another one night stand. You knew if you pursued something with Spencer, the stakes were high. 

You got up to curl your hair and couldn't help but to imagine Spencer being in the shower right now. You wondered what he had thought about the towel incident last night and smiled to yourself, imagining Spencer trying to catch a glimpse. 

You put on some fun pop music as you got out your makeup bag. You needed to get your confidence back if you were ever going to get anywhere with Spencer. You put on some bronzer and mascara while dancing around to the music and began to feel more like yourself. You decided to discreetly make a move. "Maybe if Spencer accidentally  saw me in something revealing, he wouldn't be able to get me out of his head today..." you thought.  You quickly put on a lacy black bra and panties set and wearing only a button-up top while you finished getting ready. 

Knowing Spencer would be back soon, you put the finishing touches on your makeup and decided that you would casually be bending over the counter applying lipstick. You heard Spencer's key in the door and positioned yourself in the mirror. You felt mischievous, but knew Spencer would get a good view of one of your best features as he walked in. The black lace underwear was just the right amount of cheeky to look irresistible. 

As the door opened, you saw Spencer's figure appear in the vanity mirror. The mirror allowed you to see Spencer's jaw open as he saw you from behind. You fumbled through your makeup bag, pretending not to notice. Bingo. He definitely got a good look, and from his reaction, seemed to enjoy the view. Your testing of the waters had paid off. 

A few seconds later, gulped and said "Oh shit, sorry Care. Didn't realize you'd still be getting dressed". Spencer sat your coffee down on the dresser next to the TV. 

"I'm pretty much ready, just need to grab some jeans!" you replied. 

"Do you want me to wait outside for you?" Spencer asked, while secretly hoping he'd be allowed to stay. 

"Don't be silly, it's freezing out there. And besides, I think you saw more of me in the towel last night" you laughed. Hotch had instructed the team to dress casually to downplay the police presence on the property. You grabbed a pair of dark wash skinny jeans out of your bag, they were the kind you had to shimmy yourself into. 

Spencer pretend to be eating his bagel, but was sneaking glances every chance he got. "Thank God for an eidetic memory" he thought. He didn't know how to make it happen, but he was determined to see more of you. Even though he loved the look of you in a sweatpants and a messy bun after a long day at work, he was aching to see the black lacy panties again. Spencer wanted to spend the day fantasizing about the things he would do to you in bed, but the case demanded everyone's full attention. 

"Ready, Spence?" you asked after spritzing on some perfume for good measure. 

"Yup!". Spencer opened the door, gesturing for you to exit first. 

Spencer outstretched his arm to you as you got closer to the stairs. You looked puzzled. "The stairs are icy, Pierce. We don't need your clumsy ass toppling down them, now do we?" 

You laughed and accepted his hand. It was true- you were a klutz, but you didn't think the stairs were slippery enough to warrant the handholding. Although, you weren't going to turn down the opportunity to clutch onto Spencer. 

This was a longer chapter, but I hope you liked it! 

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