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When your eyes opened the next morning, the room was quite bright. Probably brighter than it should have been before 7 am. You looked at the clock and saw the telltale flashing numbers staring back at you. The power must have gone off at some point last night. The alarm never went off. 

Your phone was turned off and you had no idea how late you were. Not a great look for the rookie member of the team. At least Spencer would be late too. Actually, maybe not. Then the entire team would know you spent the night together and would probably assume you had sex too. Which you wouldn't have been opposed to... nevermind, not the time for daydreaming. 

You shook Spencer while you powered on your cell phone. "Spence, we're super late. The power must've gone out and the alarm never went off".  

He sat up and ran a hand through your hair. "They'll be okay. One morning we waited two hours on the jet for Morgan. How finds women in every city is beyond me."

It's really not that surprising, Morgan is a great guy and really quite smooth on the eyes. But you never gave him a second thought after meeting Reid. Spencer was the perfect combination of charming and kind. Being a hot genius didn't hurt either. 

Once your phone turned on and synced up, you saw a text from Hotch that allowed you to take a deep breath for the first time since waking up. "We're grounded until further notice, there's a foot of snow on the runway, doubt we'll get out of here for another 8-12 hours."

It was only 9, which means you still had the whole day to soak up being snowed in with Spencer. As he checked his messages, you saw him grinning ear to ear when he came to the same realization. 

"The day is young Agent Pierce, what would you like to do? Snowball fight, Cheetos for breakfast, the Twilight marathon you've been waiting for?"

"I actually had something else in mind... I've been wanting to get more closely acquainted with one of my fellow agents" you replied. 

"I'd be happy to help with that" Spencer said as he rolled on top of you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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