Fae cycle~Azriel

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Prompt: your on your Fae cycle but Azriel is away on a mission


I kept my eyes closed as I patted around the bed, waiting till I hit my mates body. When my hand finally found his pillow it wasn't his head there but a piece of paper. I cracked my eyes open to read his note.

Dear y/n,

Rhys has a job he needs me to do so I will be gone for a week. I hate leaving in the middle of the night but what I'm doing is super important. If you need anything shout down the bond.

I love you, Azriel

I went to sit up but a pain shot through my body. Of course when my mate goes on a special mission I get my period. I manage to get out of my blood soaked sheets and to the stairs. I took the first step down but it was not long till I was sprawled out on the floor.

"Y/n!" Mor came running from the dining room. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" I groaned as the pain from the fall started to join the cycle pains. "I'm going to get Az, wait here." I grabbed Mor's hand before she stood up. I slipped her the note.

Feyre and Rhys burst into the room, "Is everything okay we heard a heavy thud?" Feyre took in my sprawled out figure before she winnowed off. "Don't worry she's going to get a healer." I gave a small nod before closing my eyes.

When I woke Mor was sitting on the bed next to me. "Ohhh, hey how are you feeling?" I gave her a small growl, she just laughed. "Majia healed all your wounds from the fall. I'm going to go get you some food." As soon as she shut the door Azriel spoke down the bond, I heard about your tumble. Are you okay? I wish I had known it had started I wouldn't have left. I'll... he was going into terrestrial mode so I cut him off. It's okay, I'm okay. Just do whatever Rhys assigned you. Your coming home this week anyways.  I could tell he wanted to argue but he also knew he wouldn't win. We said our goodbyes and I curled up into a ball, hoping it would soothe the pain.

It didn't but this time when I woke up I was surrounded by heat. I let out a little moan and instantly someone's had was pushing the hair out of my face. "It's okay." Azriel was here, he was home. The tears started to fall but I had no clue why. "Shhh, it's going to be okay. I'm here now." Just hearing his voice made me cry harder. I wrapped my arms around his abdomen and buried my head into his shoulder. Az didn't do anything till I was comfortable in his lap. He pulled me to his chest and kissed the top of my head. It hurt too much to talk so I asked down the bond, What about the job Rhysand had you working on?

I finished early, it wasn't as big a threat as he thought. Just then a sharp pain went through my abdomen and I cried out. Az placed his hand on my stomach and started to rub it gently till the pain subsided.

Az held me all night constantly brushing away my tears or rubbing my stomach. In the morning the bed around me was cold and I thought Az was gone again. I instantly started to sob. The door to our room opened and something clattered to the ground. Azriel's strong, scared hands landed on either side of my face. "I'm right here. I'm right here, I just went to make you breakfast. I'm so sorry." Azriel winnowed the tray of food on to the bed and carefully lifted me onto his lap. I looked down and saw his pants and shirt were covered in my blood. 

"Hey," he gently pushed my chin up till I was looking into his eyes. "I bleed on you," I whispered, I was ashamed. He hadn't signed up for a mate that bleed on him, he deserved more than a mess like me. His gaze never faltered from mine. "It will be okay. I can wash the blood out. Right now you need to eat. Can you do that for me?" I gave him a small nod and he smiled.

Azriel had brought up some toast with butter, just how I liked it, a bagel, because he didn't know if I was in a toast or bagel mood and lastly some yogurt bites because they were my favorite snack.

I ate my breakfast slowly to make sure I would be able to keep everything down. Once I was finished I curled back up into Azriel. His shadows tickled my skin but not in a bad way. It was soothing how they moved on my skin, almost as if they knew I was in pain and needed the comfort. Thank you , I was still trying to keep my meal down and I didn't want to risk it coming back up on him. For what?

For coming back for me, for taking care of me. He smiled Fondly down at me. I'll always come back for you and I'll always take care of you. Whenever you need me I'll be right by your side and even when you don't need me I'll still be there. I love you! I tugged his head down and gave him a kiss. I love you too! 

Can someone please tell me why I put myself though this pain. I mean my I'm literally is so much pain right now and not having a bat boy here to soothe it is literally making me cry. Other than that I hope you liked this prompt. If you have any other prompts you would like me to write please let me know. Umm, yeah if you'll excuses me I'm going to go get my heating pad and then cry into my pillow.

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