Nightmares~Fenrys xreader

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Prompt: your Fenrys's mate, after he wakes up after one of his nightmares, things go a little far

Tw: mention of death, attempted suiside and self harm

@Addisyn190 requested a Fenrys story so here you go


I wake up in the middle of the night to an empty bed. "Fenrys?" He wasn't in the bedroom. He did this a lot. He would have a nightmare and then he would go outside and sit on the roof in wolf form. I hadn't been there but Fenrys had told me about what happened. It was hard on him and as much as I tried I couldn't relate. I had lost my brother in the war as well but not in the way Fenrys lost Connal.

I threw on my robe and walked to the roof. He wasn't there. I tried to think where he could have gone. He could have run off in wolf form, he did that sometimes but he usually told me so I knew. I paced the floor in the living room of our house. I kept trying to think of where Fenrys could have run off to. The training room.

He had practically begged me to one in our house, I thought it would be dangerous if we ever had kids but I gave in. I ran to the basement. He had to be in here.

Please be here. He was in there, lying on the mats knife above his heart. "Fenrys!" He didn't look at me or say anything just laid there. No, no please don't be...I couldn't go there. I looked around him, his wrists were bleeding but that seemed to be the only place he was hurt.

"I can't do this anymore," tears were streaming down both of our faces. "No,no you don't mean that. You can't leave me. Please don't leave me."

"It's too much Y/n. Everyday I'm reminded of him, everyday. It's my fault he's gone. I promised to protect him and yet he's dead and I'm still here. It's, it's my fault..." I cut him off.

"No, no it isn't. He made his choice but you can still change your mind. We both lost people in the war, baby. But we're going to get through it together. We're going to have a life together, Fenrys. You promised, you promised me a life of love and happiness but if you go now you break your promise. You promised me that life and we were going to have kids. You were going to teach them how to fight and how to shift and I was going to watch you train, telling you guys to be careful every five minutes. We're going to grow old together and fade into the afterlife together. So please put down the knife,it doesn't have to end this way. Please don't leave me." I fell to my knees. I was willing to beg, do anything if he would just put the knife down.

His hand holding the knife dropped away from his chest. I crawled over to him. "It hurts Y/n. Without him here, by my side, it hurts. I miss him so much and I know I should be angry at him. He blamed me, when he stabbed himself he blamed me. I thought he was going to... I thought he was going to kill me. I was ready to go, right then and there if it meant Connal was going to be safe. I never got to say goodbye or that I loved him, he was just gone." I pulled Fenrys into a hug and he sobbed into my shoulder. I didn't know what to say. I have never been as close to someone as they were.

"Fenrys," I pulled his head back so that he could look at me. "I know it's hard. I'm not going to sit here and say I know what you're going through because I don't know. I want to help you, let me help you. I didn't know him but I want you to let me help you carry this. I want you to know that I am always going to be by your side. I want to help you carry this burden and if you don't want to talk to me about it that's fine. I...I can't lose you, too." Fenrys pulled me into a hug. I didn't know what else to say, what else to make him stay. His hands, his wrists were still bleeding. I stood up and pulled Fenrys up with me. He didn't say anything as we walked upstairs and I sat him on the bed. I went to the bathroom and got some bandaids and healing ointment.

When I came back to the side of the bed Fenrys was asleep. I instantly put my hand to his neck, he was still breathing, he still had a pulse. I cleaned up and healed his wounds. I stood up and kissed him on the head.

The blood in the training mats took forever to clean up. By the time I had finished cleaning up the mats and his knife it was around three am. I flopped onto our bed, trying not to wake Fenrys. It didn't work though. I was on my side as I felt his arm snake around my waist and pull me to him. When my back was against his chest he gently started to finger comb my hair. "I'm so sorry Y/n. The nightmare was really bad last night and I know that's not an excuse...I don't want to leave you. I'm struggling with this, it's an adjustment. But just so you know I never want to leave you." He kissed my temple. I was trying to keep my crying quiet but he still heard me. His hand came up and wiped away my tears.

"Tell me about him. If you're comfortable with it." So Fenrys told me about Connal. Some of the stories were sad, some of them were funny. I fell asleep in my mates arms and I could only hope that I would fall asleep the same way for the rest of my life.

I don't know why but most of my stories are kind of depressing but have somewhat happy endings (I think it's just because I like to write stories that I know will make me cry) umm, yeah I cried while writing this but I hope you liked it. @Addisyn190 if you would like me to write a not so depressing one I can but this was the first thing that popped to mind for a Fenrys story. If you have any other prompts that you would like me to write just comment or Dm me because I really like writing these but can never come up with any good ideas. ( they don't have to be fenrys xreader unless you want them to be but they can be any acotar and or tog character xreader or an actual ship from the books. Or if you want two characters from the book that aren't actually together I can also do that and they don't all have to be relationships some can be just friends. Whatever you want)


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