Snow day~Cassian xreader

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modern au

Prompt: you get snowed in so you and your boyfriend, Cassian take advantage of it


I'm making some coffee when I look outside. The ground is covered in snow. I took a picture and sent it to my boss.


( I know, amazing contact name also sorry I'm lazy and don't want to add all the spaces to get it to the other side but oh well )


*download image*

I'm snowed in,

I don't think I'll be

Able to make it to work


that's alright

The streets are super

Bad so we're closing today

I make Cassian some coffee and walk back to the bedroom. He's already up and texted someone on his phone. "Works canceled." I told him as I handed him his mug. He set his phone down and opened his arms. I moved to sit on his lap, careful I didn't spill any coffee on him.

"What do you want to do today?" I tried to think of something fun to do. Cassian and I almost never get one whole day together. "Can we maybe...I don't know, do you want to play in the snow?" I was nervous for his answer, I haven't played in the snow since I was a little kid. "Yeah, we can make a snowman and snow angels!"

We finished our coffees and went to layer up. I put on some leggings and then a long sleeve shirt and one of Cassian's hoodies. Then I put on my jacket and hats and gloves. Cassian was already ready and waiting by the back door.

We went outside and I was closing the door when something hit my back. "Hey!" I turned around to see Cassian holding another snowball. "Opps," he said before throwing the second one. I squeal and try to move out of the way. He laughed before picking up more snow. " No fair, I don't know how to make snowballs. Truce?"

"Truce." Cassian and I made a couple of snowmen but both ended up falling over. Then we made some snow angels. We had been outside for about an hour and a half and I was freezing. Cassian came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Do you want to go inside? We can watch a movie or something." I pulled away and we walked back to the door.

I changed out of my wet, snowy clothes and instead threw on some pajama pants and Cassian's hoodie. While Cassian got changed I made us both hot chocolate (or whatever you want to drink) and some popcorn. I got some snacks out of the pantry and set them up on the coffee table. I got my weighted blanket and curled up on the couch. Cassian came over a few minutes later. He picked me up and set me down in his lap.

"What do you want to watch?" I thought about it for a minute while he was scrolling. "Stop!" He ended up on a movie called The Truman show (or whatever you want) . "Yay! I love this movie!" Cassian put it on and grabbed the bowl of popcorn.

We were half way through the movie but Cassian kept staring at me. "What? Do I have popcorn on my face or something." He laughed before kissing me lightly. "Or something."

Cassian was playing with my hair. "I love you," he said out of the blue. "I love you, too." I pulled his head down and kissed him

Is this super short? Yes. Did I have an ending planed with I came up with this? No. Did I write it anyways? Yes.

Can someone tell me why when my teacher told me I have to write a short science fiction story all I could come up with were one shot ideas that weren't science fiction?  I have more one shot ideas so I'm going to try and write them. Do you like these modern au's? It was kind of nice to be able to write them in our time but I don't want to write them and nobody like them. Also I mentioned it in the story but y'all should watch The Truman show, it's such a good movie! I watched it again today and honestly wish I could watch it for the first time again. 

Also nobody really responded to my last A/n on here but if everyone could go read it and give me feedback that would be great! Have a great day/night/whatever time it is!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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