Birthday boy~Cassian xreader

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Prompt: It's Cassian's birthday and you're his mate.


It was Cassian's birthday and I have no clue what to get him. I already had one thing but I wanted to give him something else as well. He has enough weapons to supply an entire army. I decided that I would make his favorite dessert. I went to Feyre to see if she had a recipe.

"Hey, Y/n what's up?" Mor had answered the door. "I just came to see if Feyre had a chocolate hazelnut cake recipe." Mor wiggled her eyebrows at me, "Why? For Cass?" I blushed as we walked to the kitchen.

"I got half of his gift but I didn't know what else so I thought I would make him his favorite dinner and dessert."

Mor found the recipe and I went to work finding all the ingredients. When I got home Cass was still out. He's been super busy these days with stopping the illiyan rebels and training Nesta. I finished the meal, got ready and waited for Cassian to get home.

I stayed up for three hours waiting but he didn't come. I talked down the bond but he never responded. I went to bed trying to think if I had forgotten plans of his.

When I woke up in the morning he still wasn't home. I ran to the estate, maybe he had spent the night hanging out with Azriel and Rhys. Feyre opened the door and let me inside. Everyone was sitting around the dining room table except Cass. "Everything alright Y/n?" Rhys asked. I shook my head, "Where, where is he?" I was starting to get hysterical and I sank to the floor crying. I didn't know why I was being so emotional. Images of Cass with his wings shredded flashed through my mind, making me cry harder.

Feyre sank down to the floor next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "It's ok, Az just left to find him. He's going to be okay." The tears had finally subsided when Az came back though the front door. "Where is he?" Mor I could tell was concerned but anger also flickered in her features. "He's at Nesta's." Mor was shaking practically shaking with rage. "What?" She spit out. Az repeated himself even though we all heard what he had said.

My mate had spent the night at Nesta Archeron's apartment.

A/n I know this was super short but I promise there will be a part two. The story line that I had in mind was super long and won't fit into one chapter so it will be broken up into two or three parts. Also idk what Cassians favorite dessert is but I decided to reference tog because Aelin really likes dessert and one that she mentions is chocolate hazelnut cake. So yeah I'll try and get part two up tomorrow along with chapter 22 of acosas! If you have any other prompts that you would like me to do just let me know!

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