Childhood friend pt. 2

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The prompt is in the story above so you might want to read that first. Idea by aly4walker 


It had been a week since I had told Az about my feelings for Rhys. I got out of bed today and went to go eat breakfast. When I got to the dinning room only Rhysand was there. I went back out of the room when Rhys said, "Y/n! I haven't seen you in forever come have breakfast with me." I hesitated slightly but ultimately sat down next to him. I didn't say much as Rhys told me all about Feyre. Rhys caught on, "Hey, Y/n what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I mumble.

"No somethings wrong, tell me what it is. I want to help you." At that I snapped."I'm pissed off, Rhysand because I'm your best friend and yet this is one of the first times you've talked to me since you came back from under the mountain. I tried reaching out those first few weeks but you ignored me. And now you expect me to sit here and listen to you gush over your mate when I've been in love with you for 100 years!" I was panting and had tears streaming down my face by the time I had finished.

Rhysand had a look of pity on his face and that fired me up more, "Don't. Don't look at me like that, like someone you have to pity because I'm over it. You've never looked at me the way I've always looked at you. I've been tired for so long but I'm tired of fighting for you when you're not going to fight for me. I hope you and your mate are happy." I walked out of the dinning room not ever waiting to hear his response.

I ran into Az on my way back up to my room and I tried to push him away. He grabbed my upper arms and looked down at me, "Y/n what's wrong?" I was still crying but I felt Azriel's shadows and they calmed me down. I wiped my tears away and looked up at him. "I told Rhysand." Az looked shocked but mad flashed on his face. "What did he say?" Az growled out.

"Nothing," the tears started to fall again. "I didn't let him say anything because I knew he would pick her." Az just pulled me to his chest and I cried against him.

Azriel didn't leave me the entire day. We walked around the city to my favorite stores, restaurants and places. We came home late and night and Az walked me to my bedroom door. "Thank you for everything," I whispered. I kissed his check and went to bed.

For the next thirty years I confided in Azriel. The war had happened, Feyre and Rhys were mates and almost everything had changed. (Cue songs everything has changed by Taylor swift and Ed Sheeran) I had talked with Rhys and we had agreed to just be friends. We weren't as close as we used to be but that was okay because I was closer with Azriel. I realized during the war when Az had almost that I loved him.

Now I was trying to come up with a way to tell him when Feyre interrupted my thoughts, "Do you think you can babysit, Athena tonight?"

"Sure," I muttered back not realizing what I just agreed to. Feyre and Rhys left and I watched Athena. She was 7 months old and she was adorable. Well when she wasn't crying she was adorable. I decided to take her for a walk, to the townhouse and find Az. He would know what to do.

Az opened the door right after I knocked, "Y/n? What are you doing here?"

"She won't stop crying and I don't know what to do. Can you please help me?" He shook his head and winnowed us back to the estate. He took Athena from me and went to the kitchen. When he came back she had a ring in her mouth and she was quiet. I looked at Azriel in awe. He just shyly rubbed the back of his neck, "She's teething and it's a teething ring. He sat down next to me on the couch.

"There's something I want to tell you." Azriel looked up from Athena. "I love you," I blurt out and a blush starts to spread over my checks.

"We're mates," Az says quietly. "I've known ever since I found you crying that day and I didn't tell you. I was afraid that you were still in love with Rhysand so I thought it would be better to be friends than nothing at all." I lean forward and kiss him. "I accept, I want to be your mate." He kissed me again and soon we fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.


When me and Rhys returned we headed straight for the living room. Y/n is curled up in Azriel's lap while holding Athena. I pulled Athena out of the embrace and handed her to Rhysand. I pull a blanket and spread it out over the couple. Az eyes flash open, when he sees me he calms down. "Congratulations," I whispered trying not to wake Y/n. He smiled down at them and says, "thanks." 

I hope you liked this prompt. If you have any other ideas for prompts let me know, I'd be happy to write them. 

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