I brought him back for you

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Nico's pov:

It's been a few days since the hero Deku died..... And Dynamite hasn't been doing any hero work

I've been thinking since my quirk lets me go to different reality's I would go get a Deku who had his kacchan and children die, then it would be a win win

But first


I broke the window of dynamites house

I hear two children scream and heavy footsteps get louder


"HOW ARE YOU GONNA HELP US!? MY HUSBAND AND THEIR FATHER DIED!" he tells back tears running down his face

"M-my quirk lets me go to different realities, meaning I would go to a reality where you, Miko and katsumi died instead of him, I would bring him here to stay with you three, he would be the exact same as your Deku, same memories and everything, well except for the being dead part...." I say

"So what your saying is that you will bring an izu from a different realities who will replace the izu in my reality? But everyone knows that he died, we can't just say "oh by the way the number one hero is back to life!""

"Well technically it would merge the two realities together because izuku midoryia is the main character.... So it will be like he never died...? Maybe the first hand witness will remember I'm not sure" I half mumble to my self

He stands there for a moment but before he can say something I speak first

"I bring him here in an hour, I gotta tell him first, just wait here" I say and jump through a portal into the other reality

I end up in the same apartment but it looks alittle darker

I walk around the house before finding him on the floor in the kids room surrounded with photos

"Hey...." I say and his head snaps towards me

"WHO ARE YOU??!" he yells trying to gain his composure

"My name is Nico, I'm from a reality where you died instead of katski and your kids, in my reality they are depressed and the hero dynamite hasn't done hero work since you died, I came here hoping to bring you to their reality, you would have your family again and the world would have the number one hero back, the two realities will merge and everyone will forget about the deaths, except for the first hand whitisses, such as you katsuki and the hero's who saw you die...... So do you want to come with me? If you do, they are waiting?"

He stays silent as I hold out my hand

He slowly takes my hand and I walk him back to where I made the portal

*Back with katsuki and kids*

"Daddy? Did that person say they were gonna get papa?" Katsumi asks as she holds her twins hand

"Was they sayen the truth?" Miko asks

"Were they saying, and yes I think they were telling the truth" I say also correcting my son's speech

I go to the old A1 group chat

Boomboi: guys someone just broke into my house and told me the bare bringing izuku from a different reality to here and jumped through a portal that is currently in my living room.

2hard4u: bakubro is hallucinating

Momo: bakugo, you know he died


I sign off and hold my kids as we stare at the portal

I hear a knock and yell that its open

The class along with izus parents they all walk in and see the portal

Katsumi jumps up

"THEY SAID THEY WILL BRING PAPA IN 1 HOUR!! IM SO HAPPY!!" she squeals and jumps into her grampa shotas arms and Miko runs over to mic and hugs his legs

"So, you were telling the truth?"

Uraraka says as she holds her wife's hand

"You think I'd lie about this?" I say testing up

"No but I thought you were going crazy!" Kiripima half yells

We all sit in silence for the rest of the time

All of a sudden the portal swirls alittle and buzzes

We all take a step back and we see a person emerges, a sort person with brown hair, they walked out with their hand still in the portal

"You ready?" They ask

We all nod

They pull Thier hand and out stumbles a familiar green haired person

"Kitten?" I mumble and they look at me with tears

"Kacchan!" He says

"PAPA!" the children yell as the run and tackle him in a hug

"Katsumi! Miko! I missed you two!"

"WE MISSED YOU TOO PAPA!" they both yell before running off to retrieve drawings and such they drew for him

Izu stands up and walks towards me before I can't handle it anymore I tackle him into a hug

He quickly hugs back with just as much power and we both start crying in each other's arms

Everyone around us is still in half shock

"Izu..." Mic says who is standing next to a crying aizawa
"Papa... Dad..." Izu says pulling away before being pulled into bone crushing hugs by his parents, brother and little sister Eri ( pretent she was there the whole time, I forgot to get her adopted by aizawa as well😬😥)

"Please don't die ever again!" Eri yells while still in her middle school uniform

"Ill try, aslong as none of you die" he says looking around the room especially at me, our children and the retired hero's that are in the room (midnight, I'm talking to you😭)

I pull izu into another hug before the kids come back with papers and toys they want to play with and izu immediately started playing with them, like he had never even died, well technically this izu didn't die but you know what I mean.

(Your welcome😉)

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