Where's Nico?

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Izuku breaks from another hug with katsuki and their children

He turns to thank Nico but the small person had disappeared a long with their portal

"Where's Nico?" Katsuki asks

But no one knew

Nico's pov:

I exit my portal

I'm in the middle of my living room

I turn to the coat rack and take my jacket from it and put it on

I walk through the big empty, dark house and reach the front door I open it but pause I turn and see a photo frame

I pull it off of the wall and take it with me

I walk for awhile before stopping at the train station

I wait for my train

I sit silently until the train pull up in the station

I get on before taking my seat in the end of the car by myself

I look down at the ground

And stay until we arrive at my stop

The train slows to a stop

I stand and get off the train

I take a bus the rest of the way to where I was heading

The bus drops me off at the gate

I walk in and walk past all of the headstones untill I reach the ones I was coming the for

Six headstones



Big sister

Little sister

Little brother

Baby sister

I sit in between my big sister and little sisters graves and pull out the photo

It was an old picture of when my baby sister was born

My mother sat in the hospital bed smiling, holding a baby girl as her husband and four other children surrounded her

One of the nurses took the photo

I smile sadly

"Hey guys..... I really miss you all.....
I had my thirteenth birthday yesterday, and today I helped reunite the number one hero with his husband and children, they looked so happy...... I wish there were other realities with you guys in it, but there's not because of my stupid quirk!........ I don't think I can handle it anymore...... I'm sorry guys, I love you all"

I get up leaving the photo on the ground and walk back to the bus stop

The bus comes and goes and it takes me back to the train station which takes me back to the city

I walk around the city alone and it starts raining

But I just keep wandering around I put my hands in my jacket pocket but my hand touches something

I pull it back out to see a small yo-yo

I quickly pull the jacket off and look at the tag to see my brother's name

I drop the jacket and take a few steps away

"I'm sorry"

I run away, away from the jacket, away from my fears

I find myself in an unknown part of Japan

The streets were empty and I couldn't think I didn't want to think

So I climbed

I climbed the first fire escape I saw

It lead me to the roof of a several story high building

I couldn't breathe properly and my eyes were blurry

The rain still pelleted down on me

My skin was cold and wet and I had discarded the only form of warmth I had

I pulled at my hair as I paced the the roof

I stopped at the edge and crouched down and put my forehead against my knees as I sobbed

I didn't want to be here anymore

I wanted to be with my family again

I stood up and creeped closer to the edge and looked over

I sucked in a deep breath and lifted my foot


I freeze and turn around

The hero's Deku and Dynamite along with froppy and uravity

"I think you dropped these..." Deku says

I look to his hands

They held my brother's wet jacket folded neatly along with the photo of my family and my baby sister's yo-yo

More tears fall from my eyes

I fall to my knees and pull at my hair again

"I DONT WANT THEM! I DONT WANT IT, LEAVE ME ALONE! I DONT WANT TO BE HERE!" I yell yell as uravity runs over to my and hugs me

Froppy soon joins her as they both cradle me and pet my hair

I soon feel heavy and my mind goes foggy

"I want to see my family again..." I mumble as more tears mix with the rain

"I know, shh it's okay" uravity mumbles as she hugs me closer

My eyes start to feel heavy as I feel someone pick me up

I don't know who it was but at the moment I don't care all I wanted want to dissapear

Third pov:

Uraraka slowly sits the small child down on the bed in recovery girls sick bay at UA

"Poor child" recovery girl says as she places a hand on the child's hot face

"The child has a fever, I'll give them some medicine to help heal but they will have to rest, where did you find them?"

"On a roof" katsuki says

"... Were they....." She starts

"Nico was planning on jumping, I read their files.... Two months ago they lost their entire family to a store robbery, they were absent and are the only one left of their family, no other relatives" Izuku says

Nico shifts in the bed as a wet cloth is placed on their forehead

"Nngh" they roll to their side as they wrap their arms around their waist and hugged as if they were in pain

Their hair colour slowly changed to a pale blue colour

"Wha-?" Tsu says as she places a hand on Nico's head

They immediately stop shaking and their hair changes back to normal

Sounds of confusion erupted from around the room

Recovery girl pulls a file she had just printed from the printer

"Hmm it seems it's I gene in their family, hair colour changes due to emmence emotions, the colours are different with each of the family members and- oh my.... This child is only thirteen!?... Who was he living with? Who has been Caring for this child!?" Recovery girl look over at the child with sadness in her eyes

"We believe they have been living alone, and by the looks of it they haven't eaten for awhile"

All who were in the room looked at the poor child as they toss and turn under the affects of a bad fever dream

Tsu places her hand on the child's head and runs her fingers through Thier hair

I guess they would have to figure out what to do with the small child

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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