The Oh-No Camp

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~Time skip 2 two weeks~

Dadizawas pov:

Ahhhh today classes 1A and B are going to camp training I got up at 4 to get the kids up to pack and drive them to UA to catch the bus, when we get there izu and shin drag their bag to the bus jump on finding their boyfriends sitting next to them and cuddling up to them and falling back to sleep. It took about four hours to get there and when we did everyone was still tired we got off the bus and see four people in cat costumes and kota and as soon as kota seen izuku he runs up and jumps on him yelling "izu your here!" "Yes I AM HERE" izu says imitating allmight everyone giggles and then Mandalay said "if you dont get back to the camp before 12 you dont eat lunch" with that izuku smirks and looks at the others and then to me "izuku no that's chea- and their gone...". We get to the camp to find class 1A and B all asleep most leaning against each other and little kota sleeping in between izuku and katsuki, izuku is like kotas cousin kotas parents and I were friends and izu used to play with kota until kotas parents died and izuku helped kota through it because he had went through it before. I look at them for a while then I rummage through my bag and pull out an air horn and blow it most of the students wake up but izu is still asleep, turns out he had earphones in listening to music and didnt hear the horn so I threw the air horn to kota and he pulled out izukus ear phones and blew the horn into izus ears it scared him that bad he turned into a cat and jumped onto one of the beams on the roof and didnt come down until his ears stopped ringing but he was still mad at me because I gave the can to kota "kota you traitor" izu says to kota "izu I said I'm sorry please forgive me 😖😖😢😢😖😖 please?" "Its ok I forgive you" izu says while hugging kota.

Izukus pov:

For the first couple of days we trained, we did 1v1s and group battles but on the fourth day we did a group activity where one class had to hide along a path and try scare the other class, 1B had to try and scare us first until a student came out crying and saying "villans.... gas dont breath" I look around and see a yellow gas and I make gas masks for everyone and teleport some to other students I could sense around
I was telling students to get back to the campas then I see a girl with two buns in her hair and a guy with stitches "stay away from us" I shout "please help us" the girl says " we are not villans, they think they turned us  we need you to make it look like you captured us please were begging you" the boy says "only if you tell me why the villans are here" I say back "they are here for you" the girl says "ok" I put a hand on both their shoulders and teleport to where students are hiding and say "dont attack these two they are not villans" some nod and I teleport out thinking of two people 'where tf is  kota and kacchan' I sprint to kotas hiding place and find a big muscle guy and I punch the soul out the guy take his quirk and break it and then shove the soul back into the body a watch as the body shvivles into a small man with little to no muscle on him I run pass him and grab kota and teleport to the student hideout when ura sees me she yells "izu they got katsuki!" My eyes flicker to white and back to green and I teleport everyone that wasn't a villan to the hideout, I wouldn't have been able to do this before but they got me angry and I'm stronger when I'm angry, I teleport most of the villans to jail but some of them I couldn't it turns out they have a person with a warp quirk and the mist I can't teleport past I get to in front of the mist that contained handyman, doubles, lizard guy and ima lick your blood off my knives guy...... and kacchan, "either trade places with him or let him die" the hand man says "ok ill go with you, just let him go and dont hurt anyone" "IZU NOO-"Kacchan was cut off by a hand to his mouth, I walked to the mist and the threw kacchan out and as I teleport him to the others I say "love you" he stays just long enough to see me get knocked out.

Katsukis pov:

They knocked him out and when I jumped towards him yelling "IZU" I fell on the floor in front of of the class I curled up in a ball and started crying saying "they got him their gonna kill em, this is all my fault" I got taped on the shoulder and look up to see a blonde  girl with two buns she says "they won't kill him, his dad wants him to be a villan and if he won't be a villan his dad will take his quirk" "I thought sensei aizawa was izus dad"ura says "izu was adopted by him as I was by allmight" I say "izus bastard of a father left him when he was 2 years old he said he only remembers his voice" shoto says "so when he finds out who his father is hell flip his shit and go all out" iida says "I'm gonna go find him" I halve yell "I'm coming too" all of 1A and 1B even the kid izu scared halve to death is coming "we work as a" I say "TEAM!"everyone yelled even the two newcomers "we will end this" I say and we all start heading to where momos traker on the handyman says, once we get there we can hear izu yelling bloody murder we turn to see dadmight and erasurehead they look over to us an allmight mouths 'what tf are you all doing here?' 'Getting izu back' just then we hear I giant crash and look over to where the building once was now it's just a pile of rubble with izu and some old guy with a helmet "midoryia/all for one" allmight and aizawa say at the same time "that THING is izus DAD?!?" I whisper yell both pro heros nod and I start freaking out.

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