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Angry pomiranins pov:

After the sleep over everyone who wasn't already in the izu squad joined so you could technically rename 1A the izu squad, because the sports festival was on friday we got to sleep in on Saturday and everyone went home on Sunday it was fun to get to know everyone better izu and I made out a couple times and that was somthing.
On monday I walked into class and found izu in cat form sleeping on his desk so I picked him up went to my chair put him on my chest and petted him he used quirk on me and I turned into a cat as well and I fell asleep aswell we woke up a d we were on the bus I was confused until shoto said "you two were asleep so I brought you both to the bus" I nod and izu turns us back to normal he cuddles up to me again and I put my chin on his head and waited until tsu said "hey izu?" She gets a mumbled "hmm yeah?" "You didnt exactly tell us what your quirks are" "I only have one and it allows me use make and use any quirk I want, it's called anything and everything" "wow so op I'll never be a hero with just a lame hardening quirk" kiri says and mina jumps on him "DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT KIRI YOUR QUIRK IS AMAZING! My quirk just let's me make acid and it turned me pink" "my quirk let's me turn invisible at will thanks to izuku" toru says ( shoot I forgot that the kiris group and the big for met at the arcade ...... shooooooot  ah well just pretend the new each other the whole time...😬😬😬😓) "well I just saw you were getting so upset about being forgotten and I had to help and you would have figured out how to dod it later in life so I just helped you out" izu says still hugging my side "Get off the bus were here" sensei says as he gets of the bus, we follow him into a building and imedently izu hugs my arm with a worried look on his face thirteen see's this and stops talking and says "izuku? What's wrong?" "There coming for me again" he says with tears in his eyes "shit"i say "guys run" I say as I pick up izu and start running to the exits and the others start running some of them get out and iida and shoto start sprinting to get help and then black mist surrounds us and pulled izu away from me and I hear his screams "IZU!!!?!" I start to tear up as I hit the ground "oof" I sit up and look around quickly I'm in the earthquake zone and kiris here to hes unconscious I go over to him and shake him awake he sits up and yells "mina?" " shes safe bro, but we need to help the others" so we beat some villans and run to different zones and help others out.

Izus pov:

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" I scream as I'm ripped away from kacchan the hands that where gripping me let go and I start falling I hit water and I start swimming up when a shark villan swims past me hitting my head making me gasping and knocking me out.

Froggy girls pov:

As I get push into the mist I grab ura and we start falling ura makes us float and I use my tongue to pull us to a boat, we land on the boat and we hear someone screaming and then a splash I look in the water to see izu swimming and than a shark hits him and I quickly pull them out of the water hes not breathing I look at ura and she nods so I do CPR on him and he coughs up water and sits up and starts freaking  out saying "kacchan where is he, their gonna kill everyone I love again" he puts a hand on both of our shoulders and teleports us to the entrance and says "get as far away from here as you can I'll get the others" we nod and start running

Izukus pov:

I get ura and tsu to safety and teleport to all the other zones and teleport everyone to safety and then I hear a shreach and turn to see dadizawa getting pummeled but a monster I teleport dad to a hospital and then punch the monster and its soul is pulled out of its body but the strange this is the soul is a human and the body isn't the soul has a stone which is the quirk but this one has a stone and what looks like a liquid moving around the soul so I pull the liquid out and aswell and the stone and put the soul back the beast screams and shrinks back into a human and I teleport him to a hospital and all the villans to a cell in a police station but their was still two more villans the mist one, and a hand man they both look at me and then say "either come with us or we will kill your boyfriend" this got me mad "fuck off" I say as I teleport kacchan to me and he flops into my arms and says "sleeping dart..." and falls asleep I pu him on my back and say as I am walking away "see ya fuckers" and i teleport to where the rest of the students are sit down and lay kacchan on my lap and fall asleep before anyone notices me.

Third pov:

The class of 1A were worrying about izuku and katsuki when the heard light snores from behind them they turn to see both said children they sigh and momo makes a blanket and puts it on them just as that happens allmight and other heros arrive and ask where the villans are thirteen says "izuku sent all except two to prison and his father and an experiment that izuku turned back into human to the hospital, he saved everyone in this room the most injured was his dad and the only student that was hurt was yagi but he only got a couple punches to the face and a sleeping cart to the neck" "shit, my sons boyfriend is op" allmight says "YOUR KATSUKIS DAD?!?" everyone but the big four and the pros yell "what's going on"izu and Kate say in sync everyone looks at them and yells "IZUKU/IZU/KITTEN YOU SAVED US" all they get in return is a shrug and "I did it on instinct and then I got mad because they said the were gonna kill kacchan" he says and hugs kacchan and said boy hugs back "kacchan I'm gonna go to the hospital to see dad" and everyone yells "take us too!" So he teleported class 1A and the pros to the hospital and walked up to the front desk "um excuse me earlier two people where teleported here could you please tell me where the one with black hair is?" "The one who looked like a hobo, yes room 464 third floor" "thank you miss" he then teleport everyone there and scared the hell out of dadizawa and dadmic who was sitting in a chair talking to dadizawa "BOO" izuku yells and they both jump and look at him "where is the class are the villans gone did the heros come?!??" Dadizawa says "all the villans escaped I was the only survivor and the heros didnt even show up" izuku says just then class 1A come in and say we are not dead we were rescued, all the villans but two were captured and put In jail before the heroes even got there and it was all izu, he saved 22 people in the span of 2 minutes and then took a nap" "that's my boy" dadizawa says "welp see what happens when you let him take us on feild trips?" Allmight says pointing at aizawa

"Who want a sleepover at the clubhouse?" Shoto says
"Oh I hvent been there since forever!" Izuku yells
"" All the students are confused so izuku teleports everyone to the clubhouse and all the students "wowed" when the appeared at a cabin like place in the middle of the woods the all sat around and played games and watched movies until everyone fell asleep.

Yay I'm on a roll!!

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