Chapter 1

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I woke up as the alarm on my phone rang right next to my ears.  It was 6:00A.M. School started at 7:30A.M.  

"That's plenty of time to get ready, AND stop for a coffee!" I hopped out of bed to get ready for my first day of school.  

After showering, getting dressed, fixing my hair, and eating a quick breakfast, it was time to leave for school.  I even spent a few minutes practicing introducing myself to the rest of my class.  "That sounds stupid, I can't tell anyone that I actually did that.." I mumbled to myself.  

As the Ultimate Music Composer, I spent most of my time alone, writing music for myself and others.  I could play any instrument needed, however, my real talent was writing the music.  That's why I wasn't the Ultimate Musician.  Now I'm wondering who is though..

I managed to barely have enough time to stop for a coffee, but made it fit in my schedule.  I wouldn't survive the day without it.  

After the walk to school, I finally saw the huge building: Hope's Peak Academy.  

"Wow.. It's so much prettier in person.." I whispered as I walked through the doors.  

I stopped at the office to get checked in, and to pick up my schedule.  However, there wasn't a map given to me.  How annoying.. 

Eventually I found my classroom.  I went to open the door, but it quickly opened before me.

"Oh, you must be the new student! Why don't you introduce yourself to the class?" The teacher spoke with a smile on her face.

'The teacher sure is energetic.. I wonder if it's always like this..' I thought to myself.

I walked into the classroom, scanning everyone's face to try and read the room before cheerfully saying "Hi! I'm (Y/N) (L/N)! I'm the Ultimate Music Composer.  I look forward to spending time with everyone here." 

A girl with black, pink, and blue hair jumped up. "You compose music?! Ibuki thinks that's amazing!" The girl, who called herself Ibuki, yelled happily before being scolded softly by a red haired girl.

"Don't scare her away, Ibuki! It's her first day here!" The girl whispered before turning to me.  "I'm Mahiru Koizumi! And that was Ibuki Mioda. She's the Ultimate Musician and I'm the Ultimate Photographer."  Mahiru gave you a friendly smile before turning back to the front.

I sat in the back row, next to a quiet girl who was deep into a game she brought with her, and right behind Ibuki.  

The teacher stood up and introduced herself.  "Alright class! My name is Chisa Yukizome, but please call me Ms. Yukizome! I'm your new homeroom teacher for the year.  Now I know that class attendance is not required as long as you keep practicing your talents, but I would really love it if everyone showed up every day.  It is important to learn other things besides what you already know." She explained.  "I'm very disappointed that I had to chase after the majority of this class today just to bring you all in here."

I felt a bit confused, but shrugged it off.  It wasn't any of my business if other kids showed up or not.  Class felt like it lasted for forever before lunchtime came around.  

A girl with long blonde hair turned around and smiled at me. "Would you like to join us for lunch? Us girls usually eat together in the cafeteria if you're interested." She spoke gracefully, even her movements seemed perfect.

I thought for a moment before nodding. "Sure, why not?" 

The girl, who introduced herself as Sonia Nevermind, brought me to the cafeteria.

We all got our food and then sat down.

"Ibuki thinks we should go through introductions!  That way (Y/N) doesn't feel left out!" Ibuki spoke energetically as usual.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and started with a blonde girl in a kimono.

"I'm Hiyoko Saionki, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer!" She looked quite young and sounded young as well.  How she was an upper classman amazed me.

Next was Mahiru. "You already know me, but I'm Mahiru Koizumi, the Ultimate Photographer." She smiled.

"And I'm Ibuki Mioda! The Ultimate Musician! Ibuki thinks we should hang out and play sometime!" Ibuki grinned, her eyes sparkling as I agreed to hang out.

A girl with purple hair spoke next "I'm M-Mikan Tsumiki.. th-the Ultimate N-Nurse.." She spoke softly, seeming nervous to talk.

The next girl was busy eating all of her food, but paused momentarily to speak "I'm Akane Owari, the Ultimate Gymnast." She quickly went back to eating as soon as she stopped talking.

"I'm Sonia Nevermind, the Ultimate Princess!" Sonia spoke calmly.

'She is definitely worthy of that Ultimate..' I thought to myself.

"I'm Peko Pekoyama, the Ultimate Swordswoman." The next girl seemed disinterested in any conversation.  I made sure to remember that for future times.

It was time for the last girl there to introduce herself, but she was too busy playing a game to notice.

Hiyoko nudged her gently and whispered to her.

The girl kept playing her game and said "I'm Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer."

Mahiru smiled. "Now you know the girls in the class!  You can get to know the guys later on, but just a bit of advice: Avoid Teruteru if you don't have someone with you." 

I wasn't sure why exactly Mahiru said that, but didn't want to question anything.  Instead, I nodded and smiled "Thanks for spending time with me today.  It's nice to have some new friends!"

We spent the rest of lunch talking about things we did in our spare time, just enjoying ourselves before the next class began.  

The day seemed to drone on before it was the end of school.  I had been introduced to the rest of my class, whose names were:

Teruteru Hanamura, the Ultimate Cook, and a total perv.

Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder. Sonia seemed to like him alot.

Kazuichi Souda, the Ultimate Mechanic.  He seemed to like Sonia alot. Ouch..

Nekomaru Nidai, the Ultimate Team Manager.

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, the Ultimate Yakuza.  

Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student.

Everyone was very interesting, but Nagito never seemed to have friends with him.  That made me kind of sad, so I decided to ask if he wanted me to walk him home. 

I finally saw him as I left class, and ran up to him.

"Hey, Nagito!" I waved at him and smiled.

He looked around before pointing at himself. "You're talking to me?" He sounded confused.

"Well, of course! I don't know anyone else with your name." I chuckled.  "Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted someone to walk home with.  You seemed lonely so I thought you might like someone to hang out with."

Nagito looked at me "there are reasons people avoid me, (Y/N).  Alot of times, my bad luck rubs off on other people, so they avoid me."  

I shook my head "well, that doesn't scare me away.  Do you want me to walk you home though?"

He kept walking as he thought for a second.  "I won't stop you from doing what you like..  just take what I said as a warning." 

I smiled and nodded, following him as he walked home.  We talked mostly about school, and things we enjoyed until we reached his house.  

"This was.. nice." Nagito smiled a bit.  "Thank you, (Y/N).."  

I nodded and waved "You're welcome!  I'll see you at class tomorrow!" I smiled and then turned to walk home.  

'How nice!  The first day of school, and I already have friends!'  I thought to myself, smiling happily as I walked home.

Music to My Ears (Nagito x Reader) (Non-despair AU)Where stories live. Discover now