Chapter 8 - The Sleepover!

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Nagito and I walked into my house.  It was pretty messy, but I didn't care and neither did he.  

"Okay, you can use the guest bedroom on regular nights, but for tonight we sleep in the living room.  It's a sleepover, after all!"  I smiled and tossed my bag into the closet.  

Nagito saluted me jokingly and walked up to the guest bedroom.  He had used it once before, so he knew where to go.  I went up to my room and changed into sweatpants and a comfy t-shirt before heading back downstairs, where I found Nagito sitting on the couch.  

"Okay, I have pizza and soda on the way.  It should be here in five minutes, and then we can watch some movies and play games all night!  We can also make cake and stuff!"  I smiled excitedly as I walked over to the drawer that held all of my movies.  "Okay, let's pick a movie to watch!"  I dumped about twenty movies onto the carpet and sat down.  

Nagito moved to the floor, and sat next to me as we looked through the movies.  

"I think we should watch Mulan, Cinderella, and Marley and Me.."  I set aside my three picks.  We would only watch a total of three movies, but we wanted to narrow down the search.  

Nagito picked out three movies as well.  "I think The Conjuring, Mary Poppins, and SpiderMan would be good.." 

We discussed our reasons as though it were some official debate, and ended up with The Conjuring, Marley and Me, and Spiderman.  My childhood movies were sadly denied.  Once we had the movies picked out, the doorbell rang.  I ran over to answer it and saw it was the deliver man.  I tipped him and then walked back inside, setting the pizza and bottles of soda down on the coffee table.  

"Well, let's get started!"  I sat down and started the first movie.  We started with Marley and Me, that way our tears would be able to become laughter or screams with the next couple movies.  

The pizza was gone by the time Marley and Me was over, despite how much the two of us cried.  We both watched this movie all of the time, but Nagito cried everytime, and I usually cried whenever others cried.  Plus I always cry when the dogs die.  

We took a quick break in between the first and second movie to get more snacks.  I made some popcorn, and Nagito got some water for both of us.  We sat back down, and started our second movie: SpiderMan.  This movie, we just kept making fun of things that were super cheesy, or maybe just kind of funny to us.  It was nice to just laugh about stupid things together for the entirety of the movie.  

But then, came the movie I dreaded.  The Conjuring.  Nagito loved horror movies.  I was terrified of them.  Nagito knew this, but he thought I was hilarious whenever I got scared by a silly jumpscare so he had picked this movie.

Every time a jump scare popped up in the movie, I reacted in some stupid way.  Either jumping or screaming, but either one causing Nagito to laugh.  The movie was over after what felt like forever, and I was totally on edge.  Nagito excused himself to use the restroom, and I stayed on the couch, hugging a pillow and sipping on some of my water.

It had been about five minutes, and Nagito hadn't returned.  I was too afraid to move from my spot, and kept waiting for him.  Suddenly, Nagito popped up from the side of the couch and yelled: "Boo!!

I jumped up and screamed, throwing the pillow I had at Nagito, who was on the floor laughing.  Once I realized who it was, I huffed and sat down, blushing lightly.  "Don't do stupid stuff like that, you asshole!"  

Nagito got up, holding his stomach and wiping his eyes as he kept laughing.  "I-I'm sorry!  It was too tempting!"  He wheezed as he sat back down.  Once he was done laughing, he caught his breath and asked, "Well, what do we do now?"

Music to My Ears (Nagito x Reader) (Non-despair AU)Where stories live. Discover now