Chapter 19: Hope

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It had been a couple months of teaching at Hope's peak.  I was super nervous because Jin Kirigiri, the principal, asked to meet with me after school was out today.  I thought I was getting fired, but didn't know why that would be.  I walked into the huge office and sat down in front of the desk.

"Thank you for meeting with me, Ms. (L/N).  I had something to ask you."  He set aside his laptop and looked at me.  "I'm sure you have heard about the new branch being opened in North America?"

I nodded.  "Yes, I have heard a bit about that."

"Good.  I am trying to get a few people here to go overseas to help out while the school works on getting their own teachers.  I've been looking through everyone to find a good teacher to send, and thought you might be interested.  We would cover all travel, food, and living costs.  It would be temporary, most likely for the rest of the semester.  The longest it would last is the rest of the school year."  He  handed me some papers that gave information about the job.

I quickly read through the pages and then looked back up at Jin.  "I'll do it.  I would love to help out."  I gave him a small smile.

Jin nodded.  "Thank you, Ms. (Y/N).  I really appreciate it.  That was all I had to discuss with you, so as long as you have no questions, you are free to go." 

I nodded and stood up, thanking him as I left.  

Now I just had to think about how to tell Nagito.  I wasn't sure how he would react.

I drove home and walked inside.  Nagito was sitting on the couch, reading a book.  

"Hello (Y/N)!" He smiled.  "How did the meeting go? I know you were nervous."  He set his book down and stood up.  "Supper's still cooking in the oven by the way."

I took in a deep breath.  "Well, I'm not fired.  I was asked to go overseas to help at the North American branch."

Nagito's smile faltered, but he still seemed happy.  "You said yes, didn't you?"  He already knew.

I nodded.  "They needed help pretty badly.."  I sat down on the couch with Nagito.

"When do you leave?"  He looked through the papers as he sat down.  "This says next Monday?!  That's three days away!"  

"I'm sorry..  I don't want you to be lonely, but I felt like I was meant to go on this trip."  I sighed.

Nagito shook his head.  "Don't apologize.  I'll help you pack your things so that you're ready to go by Monday.  I'll be okay here.  If I ever get lonely, I can hang out with Chiaki and Hajime.  Besides, we can video chat."  He smiled and hugged me.  "I'm really proud of you.  I think this is amazing."

I smiled and hugged him back.  "Just call me whenever ok?  And I'm sure it'll feel like no time until I come back."  

He nodded as he let go of me.  "Make sure not to wear yourself out though.  I know how you can be sometimes."

I stood up laughing and walked to the kitchen.  "I have no idea what you're talking about!"

~Timeskip to Monday~

I stood in the airport with my suitcase, along with the other teachers travelling to North America. 

I quickly ran over and hugged Nagito, giving him a gentle kiss.  "I love you, Nagito.  I'll be back as soon as possible ok?  And remember, just call me and we can talk just like I'm there with you."  

Nagito smiled after we let each other go.  "I promise I'll call as often as you want me to.  You'll be the best teacher those kids will have, I just know it."

Music to My Ears (Nagito x Reader) (Non-despair AU)Where stories live. Discover now