Chapter 3

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The last thing I remember was falling asleep after taking some painkillers.  Now, for some reason, Nagito is standing next to me.  The realization that Nagito was in my room hit me hard, and I shot up.

"Nagito!  Why are you here?"  I wasn't wearing anything revealing so I wasn't embarrassed.  Just surprised.

Nagito chuckled.  "Well, you did forget..  I'm taking you to school because of your ankle.  But you never answered the door, so I just came in"

I sighed and got up, grabbing a sweater and jeans.  "Okay, well I'm going to go change in the bathroom.  You wait here, an- oh!  Do you want breakfast?"  I stopped in the doorway and looked back at him.

"Umm.. nothing big!  I rarely eat breakfast back at my house."  He nodded and smiled.

I gave him a thumbs up "Okay!  I will be right back!"  I left the room and went to the bathroom to get ready.

~Nagito's POV~ 

I looked around the room.  It was surprisingly clean, not to be insulting, but (Y/N) didn't seem like the type to keep things clean.  It felt a little weird to be in her room.  There were some cute photos of her.

'Aww.. she was so cute as a kid..'  I thought to myself before realizing what I had thought.  

"Hmm..  now I feel creepy.."  I shook off the discomfort of my own words and looked at the pile of music sheets she had on her desk.  Some of the songs were familiar, but I never knew that she wrote them.  "Interesting.."  I mumbled to myself.

"What's interesting?"  (Y/N) walked in and looked at me.

I turned around  "Ah.. just looking at your music.  Some of it was familiar!"  I smiled.  

(Y/N) nodded with a smile and then brought me to the kitchen, and made a quick breakfast for the two of us.

I was enjoying everything about this.  I liked her.  A lot.  I'm actually surprised that she still talks to me after my rant about hope and despair the other day.  She really pays attention to the things I say.  

~(Y/N) POV~

I had made some waffles for us to eat with a banana.  It was quiet, but not uncomfortable in any way, and Nagito seemed like he was thinking about something anyways.  It felt like no time had passed before it was time to leave for school.  It made me realize just how early Nagito had gotten there.  

Nagito stood and then looked at me before chuckling.  "I just realized.. you are walking fine on your own."

I looked at my foot and then laughed quietly.  "Oh, you're right.  To be honest, I forgot it was even hurt."  I shrugged as I grabbed my stuff.  "Oh well, I don't mind company on the walk to and from school.  It makes things more fun!"  I motioned for Nagito to follow me out the door.

Nagito grabbed his own bag and walked outside with me, taking in a deep breath of the cold autumn air.  

"Nagito, what do you plan to do when you graduate?"  I asked as we walked on the sidewalk.  

"I'm not really sure.  I have the rest of this year and next year to decide, so I'm not concerned.  I'm just concerned that luck won't get me very far in life."  He sighed.

I smiled at him before saying, "Well, maybe it'll help you get someone rich to marry!"  I laughed a bit.  "Maybe like that new kid in the 78th class?  Byakuya Togami, I think."  I joked.

Nagito laughed.  "Well, as amazing as he may be, I don't think he would be the right person for me."  

We arrived at the school and walked inside.  Ibuki immediately ran over to me excitedly.

"(Y/N)~!"  She hugged me tightly.

"W-woah!  I-Ibuki I need t-to breathe!"  I gasped as she let me out of the hug.

Ibuki smiled.  "Ibuki wants you to come to the music venue after school today!  We can play some music tonight!" 

I nodded in agreement to the plans.  "Oh, Nagito, I'll be going out with Ibuki, so I won't be able to walk you home today..  I'm sorry."  I apologized to him.

Nagito shook his head and smiled.  "Don't apologize!  You guys just have fun okay?"  He then left to go put his stuff away.

Ibuki looked at him and then back at me.  "Oooh~  (Y/N) has a boyfriend!"  She teased as she skipped away to class.

I blushed and shook my head.  "Ibuki, no!  It's not like that!"  I ran after her, ignoring the new hall monitor as he angrily yelled after me.

'A boyfriend?  I never really considered that me and Nagito could...  nevermind.  I'm gonna think about that some other time.'  I sighed as I walked into class, and saw Ibuki grinning at me.  'I swear, if she told anyone that rumor, I will k-'

"So Ibuki told me th-"  Sonia started to say before I interrupted.

"She told you already?!  It's fake, I promise!"  I groaned and covered my blushing face.

Sonia looked confused.  "So.. you and Ibuki aren't going to the music venue tonight?"

I looked at her and laughed a bit, "Ooh!  Yeah, we are!  Sorry, I thought you were asking about something else."

Sonia smiled and nodded "No, I just wanted to know if I could come with and watch."

I loved being with Sonia.  She seemed so sweet and innocent. 

"Of course you can come!"  I nodded and told her the exact time we would be there.

And even though I was so excited to go with Ibuki to the music venue, a small part of me was disappointed that I wouldn't walk home with Nagito.

Author time!:

Hey, so sorry it isn't as long of a chapter today.  It was new years eve yesterday and then I worked all morning so I am worn out and sore.  Anyways, I just wanted to say that I appreciate everyone who reads this.  No matter the amount of people, it makes me really happy to see people are reading my story.  So thank you everyone, and let's hope 2021 is really the best year we could have!

Music to My Ears (Nagito x Reader) (Non-despair AU)Where stories live. Discover now