Chapter 10

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It was Saturday.  The weekend before the school dance.  I had an hour before I had to meet Fuyuhiko to help him ask Peko out, so I was in bed texting my friends from school, asking who they were going with.  

Mahiru and Hiyoko were going together.  Sonia and Gundham were going together.  Chiaki was bringing Hajime.  Akane and Nekomaru were also going together.  Kazuichi and Ibuki were going together.  There goes my possible partner.  Mikan and Teruteru weren't going with anyone.  They just planned to go and check things out.  Riyota wasn't going to the dance at all according to Sonia, who tried to convince him.  And then there was me and Nagito.  Nagito apparently had some girl he had his eyes on.  How frustrating.  I was hoping to use the dance as a way to confess to him.  

I sighed as I checked the time.  It was time for me to head out.  I left the house and walked off to the park that Fuyuhiko would be waiting at.  The plan was that Peko would show up a half an hour after me, and I would hide with an earpiece and give Fuyuhiko advice through his own earpiece.  Peko might be suspicious, so I had to stay a good distance away and pretend to be reading a book.  I had brought new clothes that no one had seen yet, and did my hair in a completely different style.  I saw Fuyuhiko waiting by a bench nervously, tapping his foot as he looked around.  

"Hey, Fuyuhiko." I waved as I walked up to him.  "You are obviously nervous, so let's start off by just taking some deep breaths." 

Fuyuhiko opened his mouth to argue, but reluctantly followed my breathing techniques to calm down.  Once he was less nervous, he crossed his arms.  "Okay, let's get ready.  She'll be here in five minutes, and she is always on time."  

I nodded, handing him the earpiece.  "I will tell you what to say, okay?  Just follow my instructions, and when everything is over, I will head out without her noticing me."  

He nodded in agreement and I left to my bench.  I was far enough away that Peko hopefully wouldn't notice me, but close enough that I could read her facial expressions.  Soon enough, Peko walked into the park.

Fuyuhiko seemed tense so I quietly said, "Breathe, Fuyuhiko.. You've got this."  

Hearing my words through the earpiece, he seemed to calm himself down a bit as Peko walked up to him.

"Young Master, what did you call me out here for?"  Peko calmly asked.  She was scanning the area for a moment to make sure there were no threats around, but then looked back at Fuyuhiko.

"I had an important question to ask you, but doing it in a park seemed like it would be much more enjoyable.  It's such a nice day out." I told Fuyuhiko to say.  

Fuyuhiko smiled at Peko.  "Please, call me Fuyuhiko.  And I had an important question that I needed to ask.  But being out in a par, seemed much more enjoyable on such a nice day."  He changed up the sentence structure slightly, just so that it wouldn't be exactly what I said.  We didn't know if Peko could read lips from this distance.

Peko seemed a little surprised.  "Well, what is the question, Youn- Fuyuhiko..?"

"Peko, I've liked you for a really long time now.  You are the most beautiful and caring girl that I have ever met, and I am truly blessed to have you with me always.  I wanted to know if you would like to go to the school dance with me as my date?"  I spoke with a smile on my face. 

Fuyuhiko blushed as he took in a deep breath to repeat my words.  "Peko, I've lik- no..  Peko, I love you.  I always have.  You are the most amazing, beautiful, and caring..  The most perfect girl in my life.  I don't know what I would do without you..  So.. would you maybe like to be my girlfriend?  And go to the school dance with me?"  He spoke less timidly than I had expected.  It seemed he finally got the courage to say it.

I grinned as I saw Peko smile at Fuyuhiko.  

"Fuyuhiko, I would love to.."  She hugged Fuyuhiko gently.  

I took that as my cue to leave, and walked out of the park.  Well, there's Fuyuhiko's date..  Now I need to figure out what I'm doing.

~Nagito's POV~

I sat on the couch and looked up at the ceiling.  

"What am I going to with this school dance?"  I sighed.  I was bored.  Since (Y/N) went out with Fuyuhiko and Peko, I had nothing to do.  I don't know if (Y/N) wants to go to the dance next week, so who would I go with?  She didn't seem happy when I mentioned not being sure who I would go with.  I sat quietly and though about some things for a while.  "Does (Y/N) like me..?"  I whispered to myself.  It sure seemed like she did.  I could only hope.  Maybe I'll ask her to the dance, but how would I do it?  I grabbed my phone and dialed Chiaki's phone number.  After a couple rings, the gamer answered the call.

"Hey Nagito.."  Chiaki greeted me.

"Hi Chiaki.  Um..  I need your help with something.."  I chuckled slightly.  "(Y/N) isn't dating anyone, right?" 

Chiaki sat quietly for a moment.  "No.. Why?"  She sounded curious.  I'm sure she already knew.

"Well, I wanted to ask her out."  I was blushing.  This is so unlike me, but I can't help it.  "I just don't know exactly how to do it."

I could practically hear Chiaki's grin through the phone.  "It's about time you did this, Nagito!"

I sighed  "But does she even like me?" 

"You two are the most oblivious people on earth, I swear.  Yes, she likes you!  She has for a long time now!"  Chiaki groaned.  "I can't believe you are just finding this out."  She sighed.  "Take her to the beach.  Have her spend the day at the beach with you, and ask her out at sunset.  She's always telling me how she wants something romantic to happen like that."  

I nodded.  "Thanks, Chiaki! I owe you one!"  We said our goodbyes and hung up.  "So a day at the beach..  I guess we'll be up early again tomorrow."  I went upstairs to pack our swim stuff.  I heard the front door open, and (Y/N) cheering happily.  

"Nagito! Nagito, guess what?"  (Y/N) ran up to me excitedly.  "Fuyuhiko and Peko are finally dating!  I mean, how oblivious can they be, right?  Being best friends for so long, and not even realizing that they both liked each other?"  She laughed.

I chuckled.  "Of course.  I'm glad they finally figured it all out though."

She nodded and then saw me packing stuff.  "Hey, what's all of this about?"

I looked at her with a smile.  "We are going to the beach tomorrow!"

(Y/N) grinned happily and hugged me.  "Yes!  Two good days in a row!" She ran out of the room and I laughed softly to myself.

"Chiaki was right after all.. Oblivious.."

Yo!  I will be uploading another chapter sometime later today, but I am so tired right now and want to take a quick rest.  And don't worry! I have alot more planned for this story still, so it won't end soon.  After I'm finished with this book, I'll be doing a Byakuya Togami x Reader, but I don't want to start another book while I'm in the middle of this one.  If yall have any ships, xreaders, or anything else you want to see, just let me know!  I'm still working through Danganronpa V3 so preferably nothing from there, but I can do alot of other animes and characters!  Anyways, I will upload again later, but yeah.  Byee!

Music to My Ears (Nagito x Reader) (Non-despair AU)Where stories live. Discover now