Chapter 4

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Ibuki, Sonia, and I spent around three hours at the music venue.  Honestly, the majority of the time, we were just dancing around and enjoying ourselves.  It was the most fun I had had with them, especially when Sonia offered to take us all out for dinner.  Free food makes everything better.  

It was getting late, and we decided to head home.  I walked myself back to my house, thinking about the days to come.  I felt frustrated for some reason, but also so happy.  It's not that big of a deal I suppose.  I'm way too tired to care anyways.  

As I walked up to my front door, I unlocked it and walked inside.  After brushing my teeth and getting changed, I flopped backwards into my bed, taking in the warm blankets.  And, looking forward to the rest of the school year, I fell asleep.

~Time Skip to the End of Year Exams~

Nagito and I had made it a routine.  Walking each other to school, and walking each other home.  He often brought me coffee whenever he came to my house, so I brought him bagels when I went to his to pick him up.  I had also grown especially close with Chiaki, Ibuki, and Sonia.  

I heard that familiar knock on my front door as I finished cooking breakfast.  Nagito and I had made secret knocks so that we would know it wasn't some serial killer trying to break in.  

"The door is unlocked, Nagi~!" I yelled from the kitchen.  Nagito was my best friend.  There was something I hated about that phrase.. but why couldn't I figure it out?  He and I have hung out every day since the beginning of the school year.  He joined in on sleepovers I had whether it was just him and I or with the other students in our class.  I blushed lightly as I realized what might be suspected when Nagito and I spend the night.

"(Y/N)?  You good?  I think the eggs are burning.." Nagito's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Shit!" I quickly took the eggs off.  "They're not awful..  I can remake them if you want."  I examined the slightly burned scrambled eggs.  

Nagito shook his head and laughed.  "Nah, I don't mind!"

We sat down and ate breakfast, discussing the exams and what we would have to do for them.

"How do you pass your exams?  You are the lucky student, that's a pretty hard talent to test."  I asked after drinking some of my chocolate milk.  

Nagito chuckled, "It's the same way I get in..  They draw a ticket and if I get mine chosen, I pass.  So unimpressive.." he sighed quietly.

I smacked his arm gently from across the table.  "No, I think it's cool.  You get off easy anyways."  I looked at the stack of papers on the counter behind me.  "I had to write an entire piece, AND I have to perform it to prove that it's actually able to be played..  If only I could ask Ibuki or someone who was actually super good at playing music to help.."  

Nagito gave me a gentle smile.  "I'm sure you'll do great.  You always do."  

Once breakfast was finished, we got up and left the house.  It was a cloudy spring day, and a little chilly.  I shivered as the wind hit me, and zipped up my jacket.  "Too bad it can't be sunny during the last week before exams.."  I complained as I looked up at the sky.

"I think that as long as the sky is still there, it's beautiful."  Nagito looked at the sky, a small smile on his face.

I chuckled.  "Well, that's one way to think of it."  

As we approached the school, there was a crowd of students over around the Reserve Course Building.  I pulled Nagito over and saw the boy Chiaki was talking to, Hajime Hinata, arguing with a guard.  I pushed my way through the crowd and looked at Hajime and the guard.  "What's going on?"  I asked calmly.

Music to My Ears (Nagito x Reader) (Non-despair AU)Where stories live. Discover now