Chapter 17

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It was graduation day, and I was surprisingly calm.  A bad sign, but we will see how this day goes.  I had my robe on, which was unreasonably expensive and was helping pin Nagito's hat into his hair.   

Hajime and Chiaki were picking us up again.  

"We should really invest in a car, Nagito.."  I grabbed another bobby pin from the counter.

Nagito chuckled, "You're right.. We can't rely on Chiaki and Hajime to drive us everywhere.  And it would be better for you so you don't have to walk to work in the winter.."  

I straightened out his hat after putting the final pin in.  "Ok, it'll stay.. just don't move crazily, or it might come out.."  I put the rest of the pins into a jar.  I checked that I looked alright and checked the time.  "They should be here soon.."  I mumbled softly as I messed with my hair.

Nagito stood behind me and hugged me gently.  "You never told me how the meeting went with Principal Kirigiri the other day..  What had he wanted to discuss?"

"He was getting me signed into everything as a teacher for the school's website, and giving me a schedule for the first semester of the school year."  I pointed to a few papers next to my school bag.  "He also told me that they are opening up another Hope's Peak overseas in North America."

"Ah ok.. I was worried that something went wrong and you didn't get the job since you never told me."  Nagito kissed my cheek softly and let go of me smiling as we heard Hajime's car stop outside of the house.

I shook my head as I grabbed both of our bags, "No, nothing bad at all."  I smiled, sliding on my shoes and turning off the lights around the house.  "Well, we should get going."  I was so nervous.  I felt like I couldn't breathe and my throat hurt from trying not to cry.  

Nagito grabbed my hand as we walked outside towards their car and whispered.  "You can do this..  When you get in the car try taking some deep breaths to calm down.."  He opened my door and let go of my hand.

~Nagito's POV~

She looked so scared and yet so ready.  It was the second time that I was unable to tell exactly what she was feeling.  

Once I was in the car, I rubbed her back while talking to Chiaki.  I didn't know how I felt about Hajime.  He seems useless because he has no talent, but Chiaki seems to like him a lot.

Eventually, the school was in view, and we pulled into the busy parking lot.  There were a lot of students walking in with their family members.  I felt a bit sad at that, but I smiled at how happy they all were.  As far as I knew, (Y/N)'s parents were still travelling.  She never mentioned them anymore, and I don't think they even talk to her anymore.

The four of us got out of the car and walked into the building, squeezing our way through the crowds of students and their families.  Once we got into the auditorium, Ms. Yukizome waved us over to the section our class was sitting in.  

(Y/N) was greeted with a tight hug from Ms. Yukizome.

"I can't believe you're going to be teaching here starting next semester!"  She smiled excitedly before letting (Y/N) go and clearing her throat, turning to me.  "And what are you doing, Nagito?  Are you going to work here as well?"

I shook my head.  "No, I'm planning to stay at home and take care of things that need to be done there while (Y/N) works."  I smiled at the teacher.  

"Aww, well that's wonderful!"  She gave me a gentle hug and whispered, "You two better last.." before walking off to talk to the rest of her class.

I saw Hajime standing awkwardly off to the side while Chiaki was talking to Sonia, so I went over to talk to him. 

"Hello Hajime." I gave him a small smile. "Do you have your own graduation today as well?"  

Hajime adjusted his tie.  "Yeah, it's just a bit after you guys' graduation."  He seemed a bit upset as though I had reminded him that he was just a talentless reserve course student.  

"Well that's nice.  I assume Chiaki is going?"  I had decided that if this guy would date one of my classmates, I should get to know him.  

"Yeah, I told her she didn't have to, but she insisted."  He explained, starting to ask something but getting interrupted by the principal.

"Goodmorning students." Principal Kirigiri greeted everyone.  "I'm sure you all have been anxious for this day.  I am incredibly proud of you all with how much you worked on your talents for the past four years.  You've become a great example for the next classes to come.  Now, I'll be calling up students class by class." He announced a teacher's name and began calling up the class's students.  

It felt like time flew by when he suddenly called, "Ms. Yukizome.  Teruteru Hanamura, the Ultimate Cook."  

The names were listed off and each student gave their short speech.  (Y/N) and I had not gone yet, but then the principal said, "Nagito Komaeda, the Ultimate Lucky Student."

I stood up and made my way on stage.  Principal Kirigiri stepped back, allowing me to stand in front of the microphone.  

"Hello everyone.." I smiled as I spoke.  "I'm Nagito Komaeda, as Principal Kirigiri said.  I would just like to thank this school for allowing to attend here.  It has truly been an honor.  I would also like to thank Ms. Yukizome for treating me so well the past four years, and the same with my classmates.  I hope something I did in these four years inspired someone in some way." I chuckled.  "It has been wonderful to learn here.  I wish the best of luck to the rest of the students here at Hope's Peak." I stepped back and the principal handed me the diploma before I walked back to my seat.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I was calm now for some reason, despite knowing I was up next.  I smiled at Nagito, and stood up as my name was called.  

"(Y/N) (L/N), the Ultimate Music Composer." Principal Kirigiri called.

I walked onstage and over to the mic.  "I would like to start off by saying that these past four years at this school have been amazing.  I made so many friends and was able to work on becoming even better at my talent.  My classmates really already said everything, but I want my teacher, Ms. Yukizome, to know how much of an inspiration she was for me.  I hope the next students to come have as much fun here as I did.  Thank you.." I smiled and took my diploma from the principal before going back to my seat.

There were a few more classes to go, but after about another hour, it was over.  Sonia and Gundham were leaving that night, but Peko and Fuyuhiko were leaving almost right away.

Myself and the rest of our class were busy saying their good-byes, and almost everyone was crying.  I hadn't been incredibly close to Peko and Fuyuhiko, but I would still miss them.  

"Peko, we should get going.  We'll be late for our flight if we don't leave.." Fuyuhiko turned away, but I could've sworn I saw him crying. 

Peko gave us a small bow.  "I hope we all can meet again." She turned away with Fuyuhiko and they got into their car, driving away.  

I wiped my eyes after I stopped crying and looked over at Nagito.  Hajime and Chiaki were at the Reserve Course graduation.  

"(Y/N)?  I would like to say my good-byes.." Sonia stood next to Gundham.  "As you know, we leave tonight, so Gundham and I must get home and pack as soon as possible."

I hugged Sonia as tight as I could.  "You'd better text me as much as you can..  I'll miss you."  

Sonia hugged back. "I promise I will." She smiled after we let each other go.  

Nagito said goodbye to Sonia and Gundham, as did I, before watching them get into Sonia's fancy limo and drive off. 

"Well.. I guess.. we should head home..?"  I looked at Nagito.  "I know Chiaki and Hajime are busy but we could walk home."  I held onto the bags with our robes and hats in it.

Nagito nodded and smiled, taking my free hand, and starting to walk home.  "And tomorrow, let's look at some vehicles so we can finally get our own car."

I nodded, laughing quietly. "That works perfectly.."

It felt weird knowing we were graduated, but I would come back in a couple months to teach.  Well, I guess it's a good weird.  I felt happy, and I could tell Nagito was too.

Music to My Ears (Nagito x Reader) (Non-despair AU)Where stories live. Discover now