Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning, ready to go pick Nagito up.  Our routine was a little messed up, and it pissed me off a bit, but I decided to ignore it.  As I sat up in bed, I remembered that it was exam day.  Adrenaline and anxiety shot through my body as I remembered that.  This means I need to look my best.  I grabbed a casual, but nice black dress that went down to my knees with sleeves that went to my elbows.  I put on my nicest black flats/heels that I had and then fixed my hair.  I did a natural makeup look and put on my favorite necklace.  Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I put my pile of music sheets into a small bag.  I didn't need my backpack today so I just used a smaller bag.  Before leaving, I made sure I had enough copies for myself and the judges, and then walked off to Nagito's house.  It was nice to see how sunny it was outside today.  As I was walking, my phone buzzed with a text.

Nagito - Nagi

(Y/N) - (Y/N)

Nagi: Hey, I'm already at the school, I forgot to let you know :) sorry

(Y/N): Wait, why? 
(Y/N): I was already on my way to get you :/

Nagi: Yeah, I had some stuff to turn in for Ms. Yukizome since it was overdue. She wanted it in today.

I sighed as I typed my reply. 

(Y/N): Fine.  I'll see you later :)

I put my phone away and changed directions to go to school.  I was feeling a bit irritated but decided to just take in a few deep breaths.  I needed to calm down.  The anxiety was getting to me a bit.  Once I got to the school, I was almost completely calm.  I just needed to stay that way.  

"Okay, you got this (Y/N)..  Just do the best you can."  I whispered to myself as I stepped into the school and walked towards the exam room.

~Nagito's POV~

It was true that I had to turn in stuff to Ms. Yukizome that was overdue.  But not the reason I left before her.  I had to stop these exams.  I had prepared the laxatives to give to the judges, and even had the bombs set up throughout the room.  I just had to get this right.  Then (Y/N) will be able to really perform excellently for her exams.  This will be perfect!  

My thoughts were interrupted as I ran into Seiko.  My bag went flying and I fell to the floor with a grunt.  

"A-ah.. are you okay, Seiko?"  I stood up carefully and offered her a hand.  

Seiko was mumbling something about being late, and quickly grabbed her bag and ran off.

I stood, a little confused about what just happened.  "Well.. that was interesting I guess.. just my luck that I would run into someone though."  I grabbed the other bag on the ground and walked to the exam room.  Before I was going to walk in, I poured the medicine I had into a few cups.  As I stepped forward, I dropped one of the cups and a dog started drinking it.

"Hmm.. That's not really something you want to drink, doggy.." But before I could even step forward again, the dog began to grow.  As I looked up, at the now giant dog, I said "That wasn't a laxative, I don't think.."  I set everything down and checked the bag I had.  My heart sank as I saw it wasn't mine.  It was Seiko's.  "Wonderful..  How good can my luck be if I grab the wrong bag AND the wrong medicine?"  I sat down, feeling disappointed that my plan wouldn't work.  Just as I sat down, the giant dog ran, chasing a butterfly, into the exam building.  I heard screams of terror as the dog broke down the building, and then suddenly, the bombs went off.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I was walking to the exam room after stopping at the bathroom for a second.  I saw what appeared to be a giant dog running into the exam building, which confused me, and Nagito sitting out in front of the building.  I ran up to him and asked "Why is there a gia-" and then suddenly, the exam building exploded.  

Music to My Ears (Nagito x Reader) (Non-despair AU)Where stories live. Discover now