Chapter 18 part 2

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Abby's POV

As Gibbs walked down he looked angry.

"Gibbs! Thank God you're here!" I sighed.

"Whaddya got Abbs?" he asked.

"The man who blew up NCIS and killed your father," I replied, "but it doesn't make sense, the man who did it is supposed to be dead."

"Who was it Abby?" he asked sternly.

"Ari!" I answered.

"It can't be. Ziva shot him! I was there when he died! He can't be alive, Abby, he just can't be!" He replied angrily.

He stormed out and Tim followed.

I had to tell someone my news or I would go crazy!

So I called down Ziva. When she got down, she asked why I was so excited!

"Abby! Calm down! You do realise that my half-brother, who killed Kate and whom I shot, is still alive somehow!!" She shouted.

I gasped. Ziva had never shouted at me before!

"I'm sorry Abby!" She apologized.

"It's fine, I understand completely." I replied.

"Anyway! What was your news?" She asked.

I squealed. "Ziva! I'm pregnant as well!!!!! But don't tell McGee!! I haven't told him yet, and I want to be the one to tell him. After all, it is our child. So can you send him down?"

Gibbs' POV

When Ziva came up from the lab, she was grinning from ear to ear. Why was she smiling? She had just found out that Ari was alive!

Just then the elevator pinged and McGee walked in with the coffee and a caf-pow, with Tony trailing behind with a bag of pastries in one hand and two pizza boxes in the other.

"Lunch!" exclaimed Tony.

He put one pizza box down on his desk and opened it up, and then he handed the other to McGee. The glorious smell of pizza wafted towards me as McGee placed my coffee on my desk. I walked over to Tony's desk, pulling my chair behind me as McGee walked over to the elevator with a pizza and a Caf-Pow for Abby.
McGee's POV

I walked into Abby's lab and shouted "Pizza!"

Abby came running out of the ballistics lab, still holding the gun she had just fired. She set the gun down and took of her mask and gloves, then came out for food. She sat down on the ground beside me as I opened up the pizza. It was ham and pineapple, my favourite. Abby took her Caf-Pow and I took a drink of my coffee.

We started eating our pizza, and then Abby said, "McGee, I have something to tell you!"

"What?" I asked, taking another bite of pizza.

"McGee, I'm pregnant!" She exclaimed!

I choked on my pizza. "What?!?!?"

"Yep!" She laughed.

"Oh my god! Abby! I'm so happy! Do the others know? How long? When is it due?" I asked!

Abby laughed. "Calm down McGee, Ziva knows, 2 weeks I think and I'm not exactly sure yet!"

Hey everybody! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in so long! I have been going through quite a lot so this story wasn't exactly my first priority. But I have updated now and I found out I have just over 4k reads so thank you all! Also I hope you have enjoyed this chapter!

Follow my fan account on Instagram! @/hannahncislover

Love you all if you haven't deleted!
-Hannah xx

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