Chapter 15

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This is gonna be a Tiva chapter.

Tony's POV

As Ziva changed into her bikini I changed into my trunks. Ziva looked beautiful in her red bikini which looked amazing against her tan skin.

We shouted into Abby and McGee that we were going to the water park.

Ziva pulled on her black coverup and grabbed two towels. As we stood in the lift, Ziva pulled her hair back into a braid. The lift pinged as we reached the ground floor and we got out. We crossed over the road to the water park, and showed our wristbands to let the hotel workers know that we were staying in the hotel. We got a pair of sun beds and Ziva placed the towels on them. She sat down on one and started applying suncream. As she turned round she asked me to put it on her back.

When we had our suncream on she asked me what slide we should go on first. I pointed towards a black one that looked like a twisty tunnel. She smiled as she noticed what one I was pointing to.

We walked over to it and grabbed a double rubber ring and climbed up the steps. When we got to the top there was no more people there. The lady standing there smiled at us and said, "Merhaba!."
(Hello in Turkish)

We ended up going on every slide in the park, before we had to go home because we had to get ready for dinner.

Does anyone else think that Cameron Dallas is perfect?

He actually is though!😍😍😍

Late Christmas pressie! Or early New Years pressie!

Sorry it's late it's just that it was Christmas, then it's my birthday on the 26th and then I have to revise because I have exams the second week I'm back..

Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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