Chapter 10

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________*Wedding day*________

Abby's POV
"Breeeenaaa," I protested, "I wanna do my own bangs!"
No one does my bangs except me!
"Fine Abby! But I'm curling your hair!" exclaimed Breena.
I guess I'm just fussy!

As she helped me into my dress I thought back to the day me as McGee met. It was a hot sunny day, and it was McGee's first day. Kate was still alive and we were down in my lab, messing about, when McGee walked down. I had been doing a handstand but I almost collapsed when I saw him. Kate helped me up and as he started talking to Kate, I busied myself with Major Mass Spec, but I noticed him staring at me as I sneaked a glance.
Tony told me he (McGee) had a crush on me and I was secretly happy but I didn't let Tony know. I told Tony I was only interested in guys with tattoos, and he obviously told McGee because the next day McGee came down and showed me his new (and only) tattoo.
Later that day I was at the evidence garage and leaning into the boot if a car when he came down. He started staring at my butt and so i shouted to him, "Stop staring at my butt and get me an evidence jar."

Later that day he asked if I wanted to have dinner.

That's how we met.

By now I had my dress on and was ready to go.
I can't believe that I am marrying the love of my life later today...

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