Chapter 4

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Jimmy's POV

My phone buzzed as I was filling in some paperwork. It was McGee!
One simple word. Now!

I almost ran to the elevator and pressed the button for Abby's Lab.

_________*Abby's Lab*_________

Abby's POV

As I finished firing the gun in the ballistics room. I walked out to the lab, when Palmer walked in.
"Hey Abbs! You know that there is a trail of rose petals outside your door?" he said.
I looked out and saw a trail of black rose petals leading towards the stairs.
"Should I follow them?" I asked.
"Yes, of course!" he replied.

So I did. They led me to the carpark, where I saw....


Ziva's POV

As I was looking for information on Lance Corporal Vega, Gibbs phone rang.

"Yeah, Gibbs," he answered,
"Okay then."

"Hey Ziver, there's something on the ground behind your desk," he told me.

I looked round and saw red rose petals. I followed them and they led me to the car park where I saw....

________*Car Park*__________

Tony's POV

Ziva and Abby walked out at around about the same time and started smiling as they saw Probie and I standing in a heart of rose petals, half black and half red and everyone else standing outside the heart, Ducky, Palmer, Gibbs, Jen, Jackson, Kate and Kelly.
"Ziva," I said.
"Abby," said McGee.

Then we said in unison, "Will you marry me?"

But before they could answer, something exploded, and the last thing I remember was Ziva falling on top of me and whispering, "Yes, Tony, I love you."

McGee's POV

As the bomb went of, Abby fell on top of me and whispered, "Yes."

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