Chapter 19

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7 months later

Gibbs' POV

We were down in the lab as Abby had just found something. Ziva came down with Tony and McGee, as it was something big.

Abby had been working on the bomb fragments from the bomb that had bombed the NCIS building two years ago, and she had finally found something. And it was big.

Abby had found where the bomb was made, and she cross-referenced that with caf-pow shippings, as we had learned that Ari loved that drink- almost as much as Abby!

She had found out where he was at when he made the bomb, and then she had found out where he had went afterwards by using satellite images tracking his movements.

Just then Abby doubled over in pain.
McGee rushed over to her.
"Are you ok Abbs?" He asked worriedly. Abby was seven months pregnant, and she hadn't had a caf-pow since she found out she was pregnant.

At the start she had had slight withdrawal symptoms, and she would get sharp stomach pains, but they stopped after the first month.

"McGee, I think that the baby is coming," she mumbled, very quietly I almost missed it.

"What?" He asked. He obviously missed it.

She doubled over in pain again.

"McGee, the baby is coming!" She screamed.

Ziva ran out of the room shouting, "I'll call 911!"

After a few minutes, she came back in and said, "The ambulance is coming!"

Ten minutes later, the ambulance ran into the room.

"Sorry, we had a bit of trouble with security," explained the paramedic.

They took Abby and McGee in the ambulance and I ran to the squad room to grab the keys to the car and ran to get the car.

Ziva and Tony jumped in the car and I drove erratically to catch up with the ambulance.

We arrived at the hospital and ran in and asked for Abby McGee. They told me I couldn't go in unless I was family, so I had to wait in the waiting room with Ziva and Tony.

We had been waiting for just over 6 hours when McGee finally came out, smiling.

"It's a boy! We're calling him Jackson." he exclaimed.

I smiled at him.

"Would you like to see him Gibbs? He asked.

"Of course," I answered.

He led me into the room, where Abby lay on a bed, holding her son.

"Would you like to hold him?" She asked.

She held him up for me to hold.

I held him for a few minutes, until a nurse came in and said,

"We need to take him," she said, taking him from me.

"Why?" Asked Abby.

"Because he needs to be out in an incubator. He was born 9 weeks early and he weighs only 1.75 kilos. He is a very vulnerable child, and needs to be checked out." she explained.

She took Jackson and put him in an incubator beside Abby.

"A doctor will be in soon." She told us.

500 words!!

I'm sorry I haven't updated, my phone was updated and all my apps were logged out of and I forgot the password to this account😁😁

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Lots of Love!

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