2 - Sleepy Bois' Backstory

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"Awww, he's so cute!" "Are you sure?  He's kinda, I don't know, he looks obnoxious..."  "Cut it out you two! It's not like you two are any better." "Only because my father insists." Techno nods. Wilbur grins, a mischievous look on his face, "You're very silly Techno." "Eh, so are you Wilbur, or should I say, Wilby! Heh, heh, heh!" Techno laughed off.

"My god, what will I ever do without you two..." Phil sighed, rubbing his temples. "I don't know, be old and lonely." Techno shrugs. "You don't have to remind me...." Phil looks down, an unhappy look on his aging face. "About mom?" Wilbur perks up. "..Yea....now quit it or you two will go to bed earlier." Phil interrupts, not wanting to talk about it any longer. "Fine!" Wilbur and Techno say in unison.

An obnoxious crying springs up between the bickering. "WAHHHH!!! WAHHH!! WHAHHHH!!!" "Oh, for raven's sake! You kids woke him up with your noise!" Phil stares at the boys, his attention soon directing towards the screaming infant. "Not my problem Tommy can't handle slight arguing.." Techno waves his hand around in disagreement. Wilbur adds on, "Yea, it's normal in this household!" "If you two don't stop, early bedtimes will be normal around here as well!" Phil reprimands them. "Ok, Ok! Sheesh!" The two boys say, annoyed at the constant warnings of limited bedtimes.

Phil picks up Tommy and cradles the distressed child. Tommy cried a bit more, only for two tiny red horns to pop out his head and a tiny tail to emerge from his back. "Would you look at that...he's like your mother..." Phil smiles, his demeaning expression softening. "And me." Techno glares at Phil, eyeing the baby. "Right right, and you...." Phil nods, his attention staying on the demon child.

"Awww...I thought I would have a flying buddy!" Wilbur pouts, his face clearly showing he was joking. "You'll be fine, Wilbur, you have me." Phil pats Wilbur's back with his free hand. "Well, yea, but you're old, and on your way out." Wilbur stares at him, a sneaky smirk on his lips. "Hey! I'm not that old! I'm only 29!" Phil pulls his hand away in protest. "Old! Old!" Wilbur shouts and runs around the house. "Cut it out, will you?!" Phil laughs, steadying the baby in his hand. Laughter roars through the Croven household.

1 year later....

"Wil-bbb..." Tommy struggled to even mutter, and Wilbur continued to encourage the young child, "Cmon! Cmon! Say my name!" "Isn't him knowing how to say Dad good enough?" Phil smiles, watching the events unfold. "I don't think you can satisfy him, Dad." Techno says, sitting in a comfy chair. "That'd be right Techno!" Wilbur grins and continues to encourage Tommy's mumbles. "Will-W-..." "Cmon! You're almost there!" Wilbur looks at Tommy with encouragement, and claps a few times to persuade the child. Techno and Phil look over at the potentially monumental scene.

"Wilby!" Tommy giggles a little, "Wilby, Wilby, Wilby!" Wilbur stood there with a shocked and unappreciative look on his face. "Heh, must've gotten it from me!" Techno smiles, sitting up and patting Tommy on the head. "Shut up, Technoblade." Wilbur glares at the tall boy. "Woah, woah, woah...that mad that you're using his full name? Sheesh." Phil stares at them with light concern.

"Sorry, Phil.." Wilbur mutters. "Why don't you call me Dad as well, Wilbur?" Phil asks the tiny winged boy. Tommy played with some toys shaped like discs as the two talked. "I think I heard mom call you that when I was younger... I thought it would make me sound more sophisticated if I called you that too..it kinda stuck." Wilbur poked his finger on the floor, occasionally looking at his Father. "Ah, I see. Well you can call me whatever son. As long as it makes you happy..." Phil smiles softly. "I know...Thanks Phil." Wilbur's demeanor softens. "Can I call you Phil?" Techno stares at Phil, and he glances over at Techno. "No, Techno, just Dad for you."  Phil shakes his head at the silly question. "Ah." Techno sounded mildy disappointed.

As they talked Tommy had sprouted tiny wings and began fluttering above them.  Wilbur stared at Tommy in awe, "What- what in the actual limbo-?..."  Techno and Phil looked over at what Wilbur was on about.  Phil and Techno seemed to shout in unison, "THE BABY CAN FLY?!" Wilbur eyed them, "I- I guess so-.."  "Well that's something you don't see every day. A demon flying, wow..."  Techno studies the abnormal sight.  "I- I just don't understand how that's even possible...WAIT SOMEONE GET HIM DOWN, HE'S YOUNG, HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO FLY YET!" Phil screams, and the room falls into panic.  The family all hurried to run over and scoop the baby down from the sky.  Techno ended up grabbing the nest escaping baby.

"Heh, you're a special kid, aren't you?  I'm going to nickname you Theseus

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"Heh, you're a special kid, aren't you?  I'm going to nickname you Theseus."  Tommy smiled his baby smile at Techno, and Techno smiled back.  "Ok...hand him over, he's probably tired."  Phil catches his breath, and jesters for the baby to be handed to him.  "Awe! Can't we teach him to fly Phil?"  Wilbur gives Phil puppy dog eyes.  "Not right now...or even ever. You don't know what humans would do to him if they find him.  Demons with wings aren't common you know..."  Phil looks down, his brows furrowed.  "Oh, yeah..."  Wilbur mumbles and  looks away.  Phil sighs, his hands holding Tommy protectively, "Don't want a repeat, like your mother..." "What was that?"  Wilbur and Techno echoed each other.

"It's nothing. You kids go to bed, it's late anyways."  Phil murmurs.  Wilbur and Techno stare at their father in disbelief, "IT'S 5 PM!"  Phil flicked his fingers, and the lights went out, "Would you look at that...The candles burnt out. That means it's bedtime."  "You and your magic ways, fine."  Techno mutters, his head leaning on the wall in dejection.  Wilbur looks up, his eyes closed and hands to his heart, "I aspire to be like that one day, have enough charisma to do such a trick convincingly...." "Now, enough muttering, go to bed." Phil stared at them both.  "Okay! Okay!"  The two boys ran down the hallway, and you could hear a door shut in the hall. 

Phil looked down at baby Tommy, who was waving his arms around.  "Oh, Tommy...such a special child. Got to keep you safe." He kissed the baby's cheek and laid him in his red and white cradle.  "Goodnight, you problem child..." Phil murmurs, soon interrupted by a knocking at the door. "Hmm? What could that be?..."

Phil walked up to the door and opened it, and was shocked by what he saw.  There, on the cobble step, was a baby in a box.  The baby had little goat ears and a tail, as well as nubby horns poking through its soft hair.  "Oh, who left you here?  You poor thing..." Phil grabbed the baby and cradled him to sleep.  Phil examined the box the baby was settled in and spotted the name Tubbo written on the side of it. "Tubbo, hmm? Cute name for a baby goatie like him..."
After that, Phil never let Tommy show his wings again, and Tommy and Tubbo became best friends, despite their strange differences.

"After that, Phil never let Tommy show his wings again, and Tommy and Tubbo became best friends, despite their strange differences

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14 years later...

A bit of a shorter chapter, I know, but promise it's for the better.
Hoped you liked it anyways :) (2020 writing)


1271 words

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