8 - Wilbur, Wilbur, Wilbur...

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(Sorry, my (2021) summer break is almost over and Ive only written the last chapter and this one, trust me im trying. At least I've learned how to write better I think!)

Everyone was home today, Techno was sleeping, Tubbo and Tommy were playing, and Phil and Wilbur were having a talk. Phil seemed interested in what Wilbur was on about earlier. And if it's what he's thinking, he might just stop him right in his tracks.

"Wil, what were you talking about with the kids?" Philza asked Wilbur, who was sitting in a chair, daydreaming. Wilbur snapped out of his trance, "Oh uhm...just my adventure and all..". Phil seemed skeptical, "Is that so? The boys were more excited then usual, did something happen that got them all giddy?..". "Phil...you're looking too much into it...nothing happened, just a normal adventure that made them more excited then usual that's all...". Philza glared at him and turned away, "Alright, then you should be fine if I go ask Techno then-". "WAIT DON'T!" Wilbur yelled at him, "Fine I'll tell you...". Philza smirked and turned to him.

Wilbur sighed, "I met a girl...". Philza's eyes lit up with interest, "Really? My boy's found love.." Phil said, a dramatic sad look on his face. Wilbur rolled his eyes, "She's nice...pretty...caring...but...theres a bit of a problem..". Phil looked at him, a questioning look on his face. "She's uhm, kind of a mermaid-..." Phil was surprised to here that, afterall, what was his son doing talking to a mermaid? Phil sighed, "I'll allow it, but..just be careful...I don't want your heart to be broken too...". Wilbur looked at him, "Don't worry Phil, she doesn't seem like the person to leave me so fast like that.". Phil sighed, "That's not what I meant.."

Wilbur tilted his head, "Then what do you mean?..". "Well, mermaids are hunted often, and so are we...I'm just worried..that they'll take you away from me..." Phil looked down, seeming to try to hide his sorrow. "Phil...I'm always careful, besides, me and her met in a secluded area. I don't think humans look there at all." Wil said, trying to comfort his father. "Wilbur, Wilbur, Wilbur...I'm just scared...I can't lose you like I lost your mum..." Phil said, crying now.

"Phil, I-.." "Nevermind...I'm just a worrisome father, you're 24..you know what you're doing." Phil said, wiping his tears. Wilbur smiled softly at him, "Maybe you can meet her? If that makes you feel any better?..". "I'm sure I'll meet her one day, but for now you guys don't need an parental figure ruining your activities." Phil let out a small laugh. Wil looked red with embarrassment, "PHIL! WHAT THE HECK IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Phil burst out laughing.

Wilbur looked away, slightly annoyed. "Ya know it would've been easier to tell you about this if you were here when I was telling Tommy and Tubbo...". Phil smiled falsely and looked away, "Sorry..was just doing something...". Wilbur's annoyed look changed to wondering, "What were you doing?..". Phil sighed, "I was visiting your mother..that's all..". "Oh..I'm sure she's happy...I mean she's where she was before she met you, It's not all that different..." Wilbur said. Phil glared at him, "You could've said that in a nicer way..."

"OH! Sorry!" Wilbur said, feeling a bit bad. "No, no, you're fine. But you're right. She probably is doing a lot better wherever she is in the afterlife right now then with the humans...". Wilbur nodded, "Yea..". "Anyways where's my grandchildren?" Phil blurted out. "PHIL!" Philza laughed at Wilbur's embarrassment and walked away leaving the flustered boy to his own thoughts.

Hey! How are you? Sorry it's been awhile since I tried writing again.. I've been procrastinating on art and writing in general. But, I'm trying I promise!

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